[NFBSea] February's minutes

Jim Portillo portillo.jim at gmail.com
Sat May 15 16:18:40 UTC 2021

February 20, 2021 Greater Seattle Chapter Meeting


The meeting was called to order by President Mike Forzano at 10:05. Both the
January meeting minutes and treasurer's reports were approved after members
read them, since they were emailed in advance.

Treasurer's report follows.

2/20/21 Treasurer's report:


$1,648.77 - Beginning Balance

+ 226.06 - Additions 

-15.00 - Withdrawal

= $1,859.83 - Ending Balance


Marci then gave a state report, which mainly dealt with the recent
Washington Seminar, held February 8-11, 2021.

We heard from some of the chapter members who actively participated. Marci
also reviewed the bills that were discussed.

After that, the annual chapter board elections were held, this is the new

President - Jim Portillo

First Vice-President - Al Elia

Second Vice-President - Amandeep Kaur

Secretary - Deja Powell

Treasurer - Bow Donaho

Board Member - Shannon Donahue

Board Member - Mike Mello



The rest of the chapter was spent discussing ideas members had for upcoming
chapter activities they'd like to do, assuming we can get back to meeting in

The meeting adjourned at 11:35.




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