[NFBSea] Reminder FW: Upcoming February Seattle Chapter Meeting!

Jim Portillo portillo.jim at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 16:02:42 UTC 2022

Subject: Upcoming February Seattle Chapter Meeting!


National Federation of the Blind of Washington

Greater Seattle Chapter Meeting

Join us for our monthly chapter meeting, which will be virtual. Saturday
February 19th, 2022

from 10:00 am to 12:00 on Zoom.


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 883 8665 9625

Passcode: 573725

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,88386659625#,,,,*573725# US (Tacoma) 

+16699006833,,88386659625#,,,,*573725# US (San Jose)


Wow! Can you believe we're already in mid-February?! Where has the time

The good thing is that there is time for our upcoming NFB Seattle chapter
meeting this coming Saturday. 

We will have a few things to discuss, including the following.

*	Group Activity/Ice Breaker
*	Discuss or approve minutes
*	State of the State Affiliate and National News to Know, dealing with
upcoming Washington Seminar and National Convention, Marci Carpenter,
Affiliate President
*	Legal issues, Al Elia
*	Update from Senior and Student divisions
*	This month, we will focus on our recent Washington seminar and hear
from people who attended and participated.
*	We will also hear from Ron Jasmer, new manager at the Orientation
and Training Center at DSB. He looks forward to talking with us and
answering questions from chapter members.
*	Misc.


If you have any questions, send an email to chapter president Jim Portillo

n <mailto:nnfbseattle at gmail.com> nfbseattle at gmail.com.

You can also call the Seattle Chapter phone number and leave a message.
Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. The number is

See all of you on Saturday


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