[NFBSea] FW: Notice of Sound Transit's Citizens Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting - Oct. 4, 2022

jacobstruiksma at gmail.com jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 22:04:27 UTC 2022

Passing on for your information.

Notice of Sound Transit's Citizens Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting
- Oct. 4, 2022



The next bimonthly meeting of Sound Transit's Citizens Accessibility
Advisory Committee will be held on the first Tuesday in October, virtually
using Teams.  Here are the details: 

When: October 4, 2022, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 

(The virtual meeting room will open at 8:30 a.m.)


b235414c7f%22%7d> Click here to join the meeting 


Or call in (audio only): 


+1 206-485-1387,,296956623# 

Phone Conference ID: 173 316 525# 


The agenda for this meeting is attached.   


Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. There will be a
public comment period on the agenda and anyone who wishes to offer public
comments may do so during the specified time. Comments may also be submitted
in writing via e-mail to accessibility at soundtransit.org
<mailto:accessibility at soundtransit.org> . 


ASL interpreters and real-time captioning will be available via the virtual
meeting platform. Anyone needing additional accommodations to attend this
meeting can submit a request by responding to this message. Sound Transit
will make every effort to make reasonable accommodations. Please let us know
as soon as possible so we have time to make arrangements. 


Thank you for your interest in the accessibility of Sound Transit facilities
and services. 


Best regards, 


Beth Hamby (she/her)

Senior Program Manager-Accessible Services

Passenger Experience

Desk: 206.717.9075


Sound Transit

www.soundtransit.org <http://www.soundtransit.org/> 


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