[NFBSF] August NFBSF Minutes

Jim Barbour jbar at barcore.com
Tue Sep 10 06:18:31 UTC 2019

How do people like to cool down

Jim Barbour		Swim
Bobbi Pompey		Swimming at a real beach
Kay Hatori		Air conditioning
Jeff Buckwalter		Swimming
Ed Vaughan		I take my clothes off
Sarah Hadsell		Swimming at the beach
Kate Williams		I think about getting hot!
Peter Pardini		Hotel Del Coronado
Lisa Irving		Swimming with her dog in San Diego Bay
Ginny Prince		Hammocks
Beth Berenson		Swimming in her complex pool and the EHC pool
Tim Elder		Sticks his head in freezer
Ashley Butella:		Air Conditioner
Kayla Kidwell		Swim
Wanda Pearson		Swim
Serena Olsen		Wine Spritzes with her bestie
Adam Rodenbeck		Swim
Christina Daniels	Water with crushed Ice

Approval of June minutes postponed until September meeting.

Treasurers Report
$739.07 in our account.

Convention Thoughts

Jim Barbour: Loved the banquet address

Bobbi Pompey: Member of the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion which put on a lot of programming!

Kayla Kidwell: First convention, learned a lot about the federation. Lots of people with canes and dogs.

Jeff Buckwalter: Went to the buckwalter family union

Ed Vaughan: missed convention due to back surgery

Kate Williams: Loves seeing people's lives change at convention. Member of the employment committee and put on a lot of programming.  Lots of help from Wanda

Lisa Irving: Bobbi's etiquette dinner.  Impressed with NFB moving to real diversity and inclusion

David Chan: Convention always goes very quickly

Wanda Pearson: First convention, learned about the NFB while working at the lighthouse.  Found the convention life changing. Looking forward to the next one.  

Serena Olson: First time in Vegas, much closer to California.  For the first time, I was outside the convention a lot.  the LGBTQ community grew and expanded in influence this year.

Adam Rodenbeck: Beep Ball was really cool.  Canes everywhere!  

Christina Daniels: Excellent diversity.  The Caucus was cool.  Tim polled the Caucus for opinions on resolutions

Meet The Blind Month

Jamie Tomasello would like the NFB to help out the Glide Memorial Church 

Lisa Irving notes that she won't be around, but would love us to send Braille readers into schools to read to students.

Lisa Irving would also like to go speak to medical school students and/or social work students.

Volunteering at soup kitchen got many up votes.

Going to a Library to read to students got some interest

Lots of interest in bringing Ting's class back.

Kate would like to reach out to ophthalmologists

Ideas and owners

Soup Kitchen: Jamie T

Braille Library Reading: Bobbi, Shane, Ginny and Adam

Ting Students: Christina

ophthalmologist Outreach: Kate and Sarah


Bobbi: NFBCA is going to have Bell Academy at EHC. Likely beginning of June, 2020.
       Milestone Meetups are happening at the Lighthouse.  If you're into it, come join us!

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