[NFBSF] REMINDER: our next NFB SF board Meeting is Tuesday, March 02, 2021 AT 6PM

Laura Millar laurammillar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 07:03:18 UTC 2021

Hi folks,
Here is the link For the Google document to help us plan for the year. Jim,
Aimée and I brainstormed to get to where we are. Please feel free to add
anything that we have missed. Any specific dates that you know of etc. and
we can continue to refine this at our meeting.


I also started our Facebook group, and I’m still tweaking and making
adjustments before adding folks to it. Please find us and I can make you
admin. I think I’ve invited everybody but in case I haven’t here is the


Thank you,

On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 9:00 AM NFB San Francisco Reminders <nfbsf at nfbnet.org>

> Hello San Francisco board Members,
> This is a friendly reminder that our next NFBSF board meeting is scheduled
> for Tuesday, March 02, 2021 at 6:00 PM.
> The meeting will be held using zoom.
> Here's the info for the SF Chapter board meting tonight at 6.
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://lighthouse-sf.zoom.us/j/95604574883?pwd=OUIxK2Y3VGs0b1JXZHg3QWJZdG5EQT09
> Meeting ID: 956 0457 4883
> Passcode: 973664
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,95604574883# US (San Jose)
Laura Millar MPH, M.A., MCHES (Pronouns: She/Her)
Sexuality Educator, Consultant, Coach & Community Organizer
Contact # (925) 321-8804

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