[NFBSF] Domestic Violence Awareness Month Resources

Lisa Irving bernieslife at icloud.com
Fri Oct 8 13:39:50 UTC 2021



My name is Lisa Irving. I am sharing resources about upcoming virtual and in-person domestic violence and sexual assault events. I am a survivor of domestic violence and intimate partner rape. Part of my healing journey included becoming a trained Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocate. Knowing that domestic violence and sexual assault impacts all communities, including BIPOC and low-income persons, and those of us with disabilities, I want to offer resources and hope. 



Lisa M. Irving 


Join us for Domestic Violence Awareness Month Activities 




YWCA is on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. We are part of the largest network of domestic and sexual violence services providers in the United States.


Join us this October for a series of webinars and events we're hosting in connection with Domestic Violence Awareness Month (#DVAM21).


DV 101 Webinar

October 12, 2021, 6:00 PM (Geared toward adult learners.) 

Participants will be able to identify the characteristics of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships, understand the myths and facts of domestic violence, and understand how to support someone experiencing domestic violence. Attendees will also learn how to identify red flags and will discuss the cycle of abuse and learn about how power and control relate to violence.  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsiSClWTqqMWj-9raeEwjv2GVpsUu6lNwpN1KW4qlcojjq2efkChRt-lfUu46GhcDpXMg_6BUMRQH056NPeQg53p8B_jMcKwnHU-3Q_RabDAadXWRGU8Fbxff44hFlDB68ISWvIU0Wd8_AU1UhXMaUIaypPHPE_zsExS1mRwrvZRQ&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> REGISTER 


Promotoras Webinar: Impact of DV on Children and Youth (Spanish)

October 19, 2021, 6:00 - 7:00 PM

This webinar will focus on the impact of domestic violence in children and the long-term effects that children may experience.  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsiSClWTqqMWj8nJy_r5tRRkbgfQAeZUxf4Al2zzgXMJ42tNxPndt7jg9lEMLCYalzctATJzU5Zn-2NkHO2hr6-icLbD09WxliLEmOrrFYhYOQfqiIgINWdXYQsV4baCI5_WwcMGEKdXM_3fAerO_jr9c1JmtNCzvPyZDa_biMENZ&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> REGISTER 


Week Without Violence Art Show 

October 20, 2021, 5:00 - 7:00 PM


Join us as we imagine a community free of gender-based violence though the artwork of local artists with live art work, music, raffle prizes and community resources. Attendees will also have the opportunity to be a part of creating a community art piece. This event is free and open to all ages. Masks are required during this event. San Jose Women's Club: 75 South 11th St., San Jose, CA 95112 


Go Purple Day

October 21, 2021

Purple Thursday is a national day of action each October. It's an opportunity to raise awareness about domestic violence and an easy way to show your commitment to promoting healthy relationships. 

Take a selfie and tag @YourYwca. 


Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence Webinar 

October 26, 2001, 6:00 - 7:00 PM 

During this webinar we will discuss different strategies for supporting survivors of domestic violence including what to do if a friend discloses abuse, safety planning, safe bystander intervention, and accessing community resources.  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsiSClWTqqMWjED3wuDv2xBHQK0_yjV4SdOpld9j-RBQUlbbBFoNRskdrJiUUH7bsJE3FoBVyf_UBaoF68ywJXKFcvPRe61LorJewfga1MnzbZNATBaOvq_1Vo38QNS7wgzNJwrBu4WLy7ldmhQ-SNMrR3mfTcvqZyXBwhXkJ2PYZ&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> REGISTER 





Gender-based violence impacts the lives of countless women and their families across the United States. Women and girls of all ages, income levels, racial and ethnic communities, sexual orientations, and religious affiliations experience violence in the form of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, trafficking and stalking.


10 Facts about Domestic Violence:


1.   Only half of domestic violence incidents are reported to police.

2.  1 in 3 girls is a victim of physical, verbal, or emotional abuse in the United States.

3.  1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence and, on average, more than 3 women are murdered by their current or former partners in the United States every day.

4.  1 of every 4 homeless women is homeless because of violence committed against her and over 92% of homeless mothers have experienced severe physical and/or sexual abuse during their lifetime.

5.  Victims of domestic violence lose about 8 million days of paid work per year because of the violence that they experienced.

6.  Native Americans are victims of rape or sexual assault at 2.5 times the rate of other racial groups. In fact, more than 4 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women (84.3%) have experienced violence in their lifetime.

7.  45% of Black women experience physical violence by an intimate partner during their lifetimes, compared with 37.3% of all women.

8. Due to “zero-tolerance” nuisance ordinances, many landlords can evict domestic violence survivors because of the damage their abusers inflict in the apartments they lease. Women who have experienced recent or ongoing domestic violence are more likely to face eviction than other women.

9.  Access to safe housing is even harder for some survivors. In a national survey, more than 60% of LGBTQIA sexual and domestic violence survivors said they were denied access to domestic violence shelters.

10.  Approximately 1 in 3 Hispanic/Latinx women have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime


Your YWCA is here for survivors. 

Our 24/7 Support Line remains 100% operational: 800-572-2782




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsvdsXjNPcbqNbct0r8Mj548tkVYrYHYLBsTqoOMxQfWf-nhXqxSDxYivWNpm8PZNcIyNhXCMidyE-_HnPVz5P9Ei314_Jj1w-Zuy7XYJehwq1jLctwuU44FdetwHwszNwyyfhoMhDF40NUMK1Te85raKjb_LUYYiuA==&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> REGISTER TODAY



Find us on  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsrpPs2BaSDeQedIGc1JJ43vbd_9JRjeZv2ysn5ZKghjOp0BXGVfbCXf5qwBBOnsU2F7SFNqTNk7Szqa7DgV0PRB4XC7LrSEtDGjTEAZ8ODBt&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> Facebook,  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsrpPs2BaSDeQXRY_RJhgEtTXBq7W_i1Ck77J2v52Ttsa0Rlf-kD8kqQVyk3Jr419maakTaqfJi6rj6dKXUloGQxYC3qPx5X6KaBQNUA7A_EW&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> Instagram,  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsrpPs2BaSDeQew9ycOpI3GA3pghALyZnJsUbkA37I5M_xTlQ03J1F5BRkqUOyB44pw9dlxRlpMdF-Pp--zxKlEKbViJE0LMunA==&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> Twitter,  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rajVOBVxY6podlRIut0HsZv1E5jmTFN66TXTJPUu9IBWtQshwPWbsg8KyYecd9f1K1cUhgP8bOUd6loMs-qKuk-u3zKdzbUZNDkAYVkqFt_B8uL-kw6LH198REQXksqBSxOEEGjnmfj5xdn4yL5EP_Xf1ZAmD0lu_RstxrMNGTQ=&c=ESRK75KA6L7gnowPz-0l2b9IZ0qeE9HETObT6eoAf6TmZ-3tiHBMSw==&ch=nP_VnIa_NpkgPBpLIBBsWAFtJLkgc_CLIA83puSIYIxU5v6QjQc_5A==> LinkedIn. 




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