[NFBSF] October 2021 Meeting Minutes

Taryn Morris taryn.ann.morris at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 02:07:41 UTC 2021

Dear NFB SF Chapter,,



Below you will find the October 2021 meeting minutes.  If anyone  has any
questions or needs any clarifications please let me know.  Thank you.



October meeting Minutes


*         Introductions

*         Secretary Report

*         Treasurer Report

*                 Presidential release Recap

*          Legislative Announcements 

*         Chapter Announcements

*         Discussion

*         Member Announcements 



*         Christina-she/her, Pleasant Hill, Black, Blind, Agnostic  

*         Amy-Vice President of our chapter, she/her, Oakland, Atheist,
Autistic, ADHD

*         Sara- Oakland, Treasurer 

*         Taryn-she/her, Millbrae, Caucasian, Chinese, Legally Blind

*         Alicia-TVI Intern second year San Jose region, happy to meet new

*         Jessica-she/her, Sacramento 

*         Michele-she/her, second year program TVI San Francisco State, TVI

*         Aquila- she/her, TVI, Bay Area 

*         Lisa TVI Intern

*         Rachel-TVI Intern 

*         Kyra- Central Valley, VI, going into the program very soon

*         Cindy D.- TVI Intern, near Monterey

*         Hallie-orientation and mobility TVI program, El Dorado County,
first year in the program   at San Francisco State

*         Jasmine-TVI Intern, second year, in the program

*         Micaela-professional teacher at Santa Cruz County

*         Liz-TVI, Monterey County, she/her

*         Shannon-TVI, San Santa Laos County

*         Chris-teaching with Dr. Ting Siu, TVI, Bakersfield, ten years
teaching, low vision,, guide dog user, serves on the committee for
California Transcribers for Visually Impaired TVI professionals, Blind
Advisory Committee for Department of Rehabilitation 

*         MariCarmen- she/her, second year in the program

*         Dr. Ting Siu-coordinator of the TVI program at San Francisco
State, she/her, sited ally of Blind, not first time here, thank you for
inviting her and her class to our chapter meeting \

*         Sheri A.- Board, Alameda, she/her

*         Jim-he/him, Oakland, packing up to move to London

*         Cindy F. - Walnut Creek

*         Erin-Blind, she/her, Berkeley

*         Rochelle and Archie the pug-she/her, Archie he/him, white cane,
welcome to everyone 

*         Jaime- San Ramon, legally blind, big SF Giants fan 

*         Serena-she/her, Blind


Secretary Report 

*         September meeting minutes were sent out to the list serve 

*         Motion was made by Sheri and all approved of secretary report


Treasurer Report  

*         As a total we currently have $ 1,146.43

*         Every month ten dollars will be transferred to avoid any service

*         Every month ten dollars goes toward the PAC plan

*         $150 was donated to the California State Convention  

*         There was an issue donating the Amazon gift card for the door
prize for the California State Convention so Jaime made a motion to change
it to a visa gift card, Sheri second the motion, and all approved 

*         Motion was made by Sheri and all approved of Treasurer report


Presidential Release Recap.

There was no recap but you can find the transcripts online at nfb.org 


Legislative Announcements

*         Bill 14c was passed to allow people of disabilities to get paid
equal minimum wage

*         Members are still being requested to call their local
representatives to get the medical device non access act HR 53   passed 

*         Our governor signed a bill to crack down on fraudulent service


Chapter Announcements

*         The California State convention will be October 21-25, you can
register online at nfbcal.org, or nfb.org/convention, after two more days
registration will cost $25, there will also be a talent show and will cost
five dollars to attend



*         Dr. Ting Siu from San Francisco State University of the Teachers
of the visually impaired and her students are here to have a conversation
with the San Francisco NFB members 

*         Sheri asked Dr. Ting Siu to explain the umbrella of what a teacher
of the visually impaired means

Dr. Ting Sou explains that a teacher of the Visually Impaired is a special
labor of education that works with classroom and schools to ensure blind or
low vision students   instruction materials enable proper education 

*         Sheri asked when do you decide with a student whether to learn

*         Sheri wished she would have been exposed to Braille earlier in
life to help her avoid strain of eyes

*         Cindy F. wished she had learned Braille a long time ago, she had a
reader but barely got by and braille would have helped her 

*         LM grew up as a blind person, braille reader, today advocate
braille is the best   

*         Erin      says to find Blind allies, let students find it as well

*         Christina says learning Braille earlier would have been wonderful

*         Bobbi involved with other blind people, stay involved with blind
folks, Get involved in community

*         Holly, a TVI intern, is asking about canes and braille hesitancy,
hard to get canes in the hands of children 

Rochelle says show the cane to the parent, explain to parents get them to
understand    it 

*         Serena says cane is a big confidence booster, good to ask for help
and not look stupid 


Member Announcements

*         Sheri announced that her 30% and growing will be cancelled this
month due to our California state convention, next month we will have a
guest speaker talking about Blind entrepreneurship 

*         Sheri has an event on Friday October 15th,   white cane awareness
day,    Lighthouse holiday  honoring that day from 11 -12 PM,  zoom guest
panel  mission access  ground breaking  October 17 program  taking 15 people
of blind and visually impaired to zero gravity  on the moon  to experience
environment   with disability,    support is needed  for space travel,
Interviewing four  ambassadors from blind communities ,if you would like to
join  zoom link email Sheri   <mailto:salbers at lighthouse-sf.org>
salbers at lighthouse-sf.org

*         Christina sent out an email, if you are in San Francisco October26
-28, technology company needing people for a photo shoot  

*         Amy is in need of more recordings for our Blind Equality
Achievement Month project, if you sent your recordings please resend them 

*         Dr. Ting Siu is thankful for being invited to join our meeting 

*         Our next meeting will be on November9th 


Bobbi made amotion to adjourn the meeting, Rochelle seconded the motion, and
all approved




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