[NFBSF] September Meeting Minutes

Taryn Morris taryn.ann.morris at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 18:52:10 UTC 2021

Hello Everyone,


Below you will find the September meeting minutes.  If you have any
questions or clarifications please let me know.  Thank you.


September meeting Minutes


*         an      Introductions

*         Secretary Report

*         Treasurer Report

*                 Presidential release Recap

*          Legislative Announcements 

*         Chapter Announcements

*         Discussion

*         Bell Ringers



*         Christina- Pleasant Hill, she/her, Black, Blind, Agnostic

*         Amy-Oakland, she/her, Blind, Autistic, ADHD, Atheist,  

*         Bobbi- Oakland, she/her/they/them, Black, Blind, cis gender,
queer, multiple disabilities

*         Sara-Oakland, Treasurer, she/her

*         Taryn-Millbrae, she/her, Blind, Chinese, Caucasian, owner of
fifteen and half year old pugeranian

*         Leonard, Oakland, works for DOR, Visually Impaired, blind and
hearing impaired for most of life, new member, friend of Jennie   

*         Paul-Dublin, he/him, visually impaired, new member, here to check
out our chapter 

*         Jeff-Oakland, he/him, White, Blind, cis gender, works for
Lighthouse, male, sad former boss just left for another position  

*         Jennie-Oakland, she/her, female, mom of kids

*         Cindy-Walnut Creek, she/her, legally blind, stressed from news,
needing to get back into a routine  

*         Jim-Oakland, cis gender, straight male, totally stressed moving
end of October to London

*         Jaime- San Ramon, she/her, legally blind, White, instructional
aide at Diablo Valley college

*         Rochelle- San Francisco, fifty-three years old, she/her, proud pug
momma, Archie the pug is joining us,  Archie is her third pug and is two and
a half years old, dealing with doctors dealing with pain, finally in process
of fixing medication and first time woke up with no pain, wants to travel
soon, happy to be here

*         LM- Union City, Blind, Puerto Rican, mother, wife, exhausted lease
owner, home owner, land lord   

*         Kayla- San Pablo, White, multiple disabilities

 Secretary Report 

*         August minutes were sent out to the list serve 

*         Motion was made by Bobbi and all approved of secretary report


Treasurer Report  

*         As a total we currently have $1,054.43 

*         Every month ten dollars will be transferred to avoid any service

*         Every month ten dollars goes toward the PAC plan

*         Motion was made by Bobbi and all approved of Treasurer report


Presidential Release Recap.

*         This was the 508th Presidential release

*         There were References to rehabilitation act 508

*         This year was the class of 90th leadership seminar which happens
twice a year, once during the fall and once in the spring

*         The Leadership seminar is a place to go to learn all about the
history of the national Federation of the Blind including leadership issues,
must be invited by past participants and is well worth the experience 

*         October is normally meet the blind month but has been renamed to
Blind Equality Achievement Month

*         October 15th is white cane awareness day, and you can find details
about the proclamation on the NFB website at nfb.org

*         There is new information about federal student loans, certain
blind people can have student loans erased 

*         A radio station is being made and we are encouraged to reach out
to  <mailto:communicaitons at nfb.org> communicaitons at nfb.org

*         The next presidential release will be October 1st at twelve noon
eastern standard time 


Legislative Announcements

*         Two things

*         First is the announcement of the medical device non visual
accessibility act introduced in house of representatives HR  4853 on July
29th that requires regulations for any medical device with a display be
accessible non visual, calling on folks to speak to their house

*          Second, California state level is Looking to find liaison from
our San Francisco chapter to be involved with some legislative work at state
level with Shannon Dillon, if you are interested you can get her email from
our chapter president  


Chapter Announcements

*         The California state convention will be virtual this year again
from October 21st-24th, pre-registration is now open, and you can register
online at nfbcal.org 

*         There is also a Spanish speaking registration available as well

*          There are scholarships available for any blind or low vision
student going to college from Fall 2021-Spring 2022, members are encouraged
to apply and the deadline is October 9th 



*         First Meet the blind month is now called blindness equality
achievement month 

*         The Idea is to still get out in community and get awareness

*         This year as a chapter we are making a video of members with
blindness experiences

*         We want everyone to make their own recording, answer as set of
blindness related questions, limit it to    a minute or less per question,
detailed descriptions will be emailed out  

*         If you feel comfortable please use your camera to film yourself or
you can include pictures that relate to your answers

*         Please do separate recordings per question and look for an email
with instructions of how to submit your answers

*         If you do not feel comfortable doing your own recordings Amy will
do a Zoom call on tentatively set for September 28th from 6:30-8 PM and zoom
details will be emailed out 

*         Please submit your answers by October 2nd

*         Our theme for our donation of gift basket for the California state
convention is Emergency preparation Kit, Jim made a motion to donate one
hundred dollars, Cindy second the motion, and all approved

*         LM made a motion to donate fifty dollars for the door prize at
California state convention, Jennie made a motion, Sara second the motion,
and all approved  

*         LM made a motion to donate a hundred and fifty dollars to the
California affiliate, Bobbi second the motion, and all approved  


Bell Ringers

*         Jennie negotiated a new position for work that is totally
different than wat she was doing before, negotiated her own salary, and
starts Monday

*         Sara's husband just got a new job for the University office of
president, and when he goes back to work in person his commute will only be
five blocks 

*         Rochelle finally has hope dealing with her pain, finally has a new
team of doctors, picked up new medicine, and dropped off her ballot, and
today is the first day she did not wake up in pain

*         Sheri voted today in person, got help doing her voting, and got a
really cool voting pin

*         Jennie is happy for first time members joining us tonight


Our next meeting will be on October 9th


Bobbi made amotion to adjourn the meeting, Jim seconded the motion, and all


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