[NFBSF] February 2022 NFB Meeting Agenda

Taryn Morris taryn.ann.morris at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 01:46:03 UTC 2022

Dear NFB SF:


Hello and hope everyone is having a great new year!!  Below you will find
the February 2022 meeting agenda.  


February 2022 NFB Meeting Agenda 


1- Short Introductions: (6:30 PM to 6:40 PM)

  Please give any identities you wish to share with the group.  Hoping to
keep it around half a minute per person.


- Secretary's report (6:40 PM to 6:42 PM)


- Treasurer's report (6:42 PM to 6:44 PM)


- Presidential release summary (Bobbi)6:44 PM to 6:49 PM)


-Legislative Announcements (Sheri) (6:49 PM to 6:53 PM)


- Announcements (6:53 PM to 6: 58 PM)

*Washington Seminar Update

*National convention update


-Discussion(6:58 PM To 7:30 PM)

*Elections are happening

*We will  have lections for president, first vice president and second vice

*All members must be dues paid in order to vote  and nominate


Diversity Equity and Inclusion Discussion (7:30 PM to 7:50 PM) 

*Black History Month

*Update on donation


- Bell Ringers (7:50 PM to 8:00 PM)


Warmest Regards,


Taryn Morris



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