[NFBSF] Fwd: Volunteers With Low Vision Needed for a UC Berkeley Research Study on Visual Perception and Augmented Reality

Virginia Prince ginnymurphy at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 05:00:07 UTC 2022

Hi everyone,

I received this invite from CAL for a low vision tech study. I know that these studies were a super helpful source of income when i was unemployed. Hope some of you can participate (although I cannot vouch for the study or researchers…)

Ginny Prince 
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Cooper Lab Research <cooperlabresearch at berkeley.edu>
> Date: March 7, 2022 at 4:46:30 PM PST
> To: Cooperlabresearch Departmental <cooperlabresearch at berkeley.edu>
> Subject: Volunteers With Low Vision Needed for a UC Berkeley Research Study on Visual Perception and Augmented Reality
> You are invited to participate in a study designed to understand how people navigate through new environments. You will be asked to wear a virtual or augmented reality headset, and use button presses and gestures to give responses about what you see. You may also be asked to wear the headset while you walk around an office suite or hallway. 
> We are looking for individuals with any level of visual impairment, ranging from low vision to legal blindness, but not totally blind.  Our ideal candidate is someone who has difficulty navigating in new environments due to their vision. You must also be able to walk short distances (~20-30 meters) without the use of mobility aids such as a wheelchair or walker (white canes OK). 
> Study sessions will take place at the School of Optometry at UC Berkeley, and participants will be reimbursed for their time at a rate of $20 per hour. 
> You are eligible if you are 
> An adult 
> Have some level of visual impairment but not total blindness 
> You have difficulty navigating in new environments due to your vision
> Are able to walk short distances (~20-30 meters) without the use of mobility aids such as a wheelchair or walker (white canes OK). 
> Are available for one study session lasting up to 3 hours 
> For more information about participating, please respond to this email or contact Dylan Fox at dylan.r.fox at berkeley.edu.
> -- 
> Cooper Lab Research
> University of California, Berkeley - Optometry & Vision Science
> Minor Hall - Berkeley, CA 94720-2020

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