[NFBSF] Upcoming Virtual TransitHi All,

Lisa Irving bernieslife at icloud.com
Fri Mar 11 23:48:48 UTC 2022


Please see info below for upcoming transit meeting. The facilitator is a
blind person who has worked as a VP in the transportation industry. 


From, Lisa Irving

Marin Transit is pleased to offer a transportation advocacy workshop in
partnership with Accessible Avenue <https://accessibleavenue.net/> . We
welcome you to join us on April 7th, 2022 from 1-3pm for a virtual workshop;
see the attached flyer for complete details.  


As a community leader who cares about the safety, availability and
accessibility of public transit and paratransit services in Marin County,
you represent a vital link between Marin Transit and the community of older
adults and people with disabilities Marin Transit exists to serve. With this
in mind, we want to provide you with comprehensive information that you can
use to educate consumers and assist them with their use of the
transportation programs that we and other area transit agencies provide. It
is also important for you to have access to the information you need so that
you can advocate effectively on behalf of yourself and the communities of
people you represent. 


Mobility Above the Bridge is a two-hour workshop designed to give you
information you can use to advocate with, and on behalf of, older adults,
people with disabilities and community groups concerned about accessible
transit and paratransit services here in Marin County. 


Specific topics we will cover include:

.            The role of a community advocate

.            How transit services are regulated, planned, and funded

.            How transit and paratransit services are operated and managed

.            The types of accessible transit and paratransit services
available here in Marin County

.            How to work with staff and providers to resolve problems when
they arise


Please use the following link to register for the event:
X. Make sure to register by Friday, March 25th as attendance is limited to
the first 50 people who sign-up. We hope to see you there!




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