[NFBSF] June 2024 Meeting Minutes

sheri.albers87 at gmail.com sheri.albers87 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 02:21:21 UTC 2024

National Federation of the Blind
San Francisco Chapter
Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 6:30 PM
Location: Zoom

1.	Call to Order and Introductions

Bobbi first took a minute to thank the Board for setting the agenda while
they were working last week up at LightHouse Enchanted Hills Camp at
Changing Vision, Changing Life program.
Bobbi invited members to share their name, pronouns, where they were calling
from, any identities they would like to share. 

This month's icebreaker: "when you were a kid, what did you want to be when
you grew up?"

Board members present: Bobbi Pompey, Christina Daniels, Laura Millar, Sara
Hadsell, Serena Olsen, Sheri Albers, Jeanette Torres

Members present: Lisa Irving, Taryn Morris, Jeff Buckwalter, Ginnie Prince,
Monica Wegner, David Chan, Steven Sanitz, LM, Jamie Tomicello, 


2.	Reports

Secretary's Report given by Sheri Albers, Secretary

Sheri reported that she emailed the minutes of the May 2024 meeting to the
listserv. She asked if there were any questions or comments.

The following additions were made: 

The persons in charge of Social Gatherings for the following months are: 

August: Christina

October: Lisa

A motion was made and carried to approve the Secretary's report.

NOTEE: Bobby mentioned the NFB Membership Portal. They are being updated it
for all members prior to National Convention to reflect members in good
standing for voting purposes.


Treasurer's Report given by Sara Hadsell, Treasurer

Reported bank balance is $946.60 after all transactions, including
reimbursement to Bobby for Chapter Basket. 

(FYI: Annual dues are $10 and are payable in January. If anyone wants to pay
dues and are using PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle, please use this information to
Sara Hadsell, 510-387-0766,  <mailto:SaraAHadsell at gmail.com>
SaraAHadsell at gmail.com.
The address for payment of checks is 585 9th St, Oakland, CA 94607. If
paying by PayPal, you must do it on a computer, which is where you can
select that you are paying a friend, rather than purchasing an item. The
PayPal phone app is set up for commercial purchases.)


3.	Presidential Release Recap given by Jeanette 

A transcript of the release is available at:



4.	Legislative report: Lisa

There are two bills in Congress to change SSI benefits in order to reflect
poverty levels. Lisa will send link to article to listserv.


5.	Chapter business

Who is going to convention? Bobbi, David, LM, 

Bobbi announced California Caucus on Saturday July 6 at 8PM

CA will not organize a Banquet Exchange for tickets

Due to convention, there will not be a July chapter meeting

Laura gave a recap of FFB Vision Walk, and that she and Lisa are putting
together an Outreach Kit for future events. Ideas are welcomed for events to

Social Gathering: Drakes Dealership 6/15 at 1PM

6.	Member Announcements: Lisa 

Marin County - divergent program for Rideshare drivers to educate drivers
who violate Guide Dog rules


7.	Bell Ringers and Birthdays:

Monica: June 19

Jamie June13     

Sheri April 6

Jeff July 16

Serena July 20

Taryn July 18


8.	Adjourn: A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted by Sheri Albers, Secretary NFBSF



Sheri Albers

Sheri.albers87 at gmail.com <mailto:Sheri.albers87 at gmail.com> 



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