[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: From crash victims to advocates: Alexandria Families for Safe Streets

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 20:42:30 UTC 2017

Good evening,

Please find below a message that Bob Hart asked me to forward to the chapter… It’s an important issue, and another opportunity for us to be involved in changing our community for the better.

Brian M


Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia



From: Robert Hartt [mailto:bobmhartt at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 4:14 PM
To: bonnoday at gmail.com; brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Subject: FW: From crash victims to advocates: Alexandria Families for Safe Streets


Brian – Can you send this out to our chapter list?

Thank you,



From: waba=waba.org at mail.salsalabs.net [mailto:waba=waba.org at mail.salsalabs.net] On Behalf Of WABA Advocacy
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 2:51 PM
To: bobmhartt at gmail.com
Subject: From crash victims to advocates: Alexandria Families for Safe Streets


 <http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=ZTthZO5hNTlh7QbJKhXz74%2BR7wZ8Cy07&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.waba.org> Image removed by sender.

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Last year in Alexandria, at least 90 pedestrians were struck by vehicles and injured. Four people struck in 2016 did not survive. Alexandria residents who have been personally harmed, or have a close family member who has been harmed or killed in a traffic crash, are coming together to form a local chapter of  <http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=6%2Bdfj12ngE26dElYOMU3jY%2BR7wZ8Cy07&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.transalt.org%2Ffamiliesforsafestreets> “Families for Safe Streets,” a group first formed in New York City that has become a powerful voice for ending traffic deaths and serious injuries.

If you or a close relative have been harmed in a traffic crash, your story can be a compelling part of the public discourse that moves decision makers to action.

You can get involved by sending an email to Mike Doyle at alxffss at gmail.com. Mike survived a devastating crash last December, and is determined to make Alexandria a city where no one else has a similar traumatic experience. (You can read his personal invitation to Alexandria crash victims  <http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=UeqeH%2FuN9HX6KxoKgAdlTY%2BR7wZ8Cy07&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alexandriagazette.com%2Fnews%2F2017%2Fjul%2F13%2Fopinion-letter-editor-need-make-streets-safer%2F> here.)

On January 24, 2017, Alexandria’s City Council adopted a Vision Zero policy with the goal of eliminating all traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2028. City staff are currently developing an Action Plan that outlines the strategies the city will use to reach that goal.  While it is great to have a policy and goal in place, the risk with a 10+ year timeframe is that the planning, investment, and tough decisions necessary for success may be put off for ‘later,’ when we need immediate, urgent action to prevent people from being hurt.

A draft Vision Zero Action Plan will be submitted for public comment this September, and then a final plan will go to City Council for approval. This will be an important opportunity for us to stress the urgency of being bold; of choosing traffic safety initiatives that will yield the best results the most quickly.

Alexandria Families for Safe Streets is primarily for crash victims and their families. If you know someone who has been harmed in a crash, please spread the word. If you are not a crash victim or family member of a crash victim and would like to help make Vision Zero in Alexandria a success, please stay tuned and we’ll provide more information about opportunities to engage as soon as they become available in the weeks ahead.

Thanks for your advocacy,

Tamara Evans
Advocacy Director


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Washington Area Bicyclist Association
2599 Ontario Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20009
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