[NFBV-Alexandria] Reminder to RSVP for gardening activity on Saturday

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 17:52:16 UTC 2017

Good afternoon all,


This is just a reminder that I need to hear from people if they plan to
attend this Saturday's gardening activity at 1pm - it's a unique
opportunity, so don't miss it! So far I've only heard from a couple of
people, so check your calendars, and let me know if you plan to be there!


Brian M


From: BrianMiller [mailto:brianrmiller88 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 3:44 PM
To: nfbv-alexandria at nfbnet.org
Subject: Save the date: Saturday, Sep 30, 1:00pm - Urban Gardening with the
Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB


Good afternoon,


Save the date! Our urban gardening event with the Greater Alexandria Chapter
of the NFB of Virginia is on! 


Day: Saturday

Date: September 30, 2017

Time: 1:00-2:30pm

Location: The Fairlington Recreation Center 3308 S Stafford St, Arlington,
VA 22206

Activity fee: $5 per person


Have you ever wanted to know  how to maintain a healthy indoor garden in an
urban environment? 

Want to know what to plant, and how to keep your plants alive and healthy?

Want to know how to identify different kinds of herbs, flowers, and
indigenous plants that thrive in northern Virginia soil?

Want to get a little dirt under your well-manicured fingernails and get some
practice potting your own plant? 


If you answered yes to any of the above, you will not want to miss the
Greater Alexandria Chapter's September activity. We have the opportunity to
spend a little time with a certified master gardener, Patricia Ryan, who
will show us a few tricks about how to establish and maintain healthy plants
in our community and homes. Every participant will get a ceramic pot in
which they can plant something and take it home with them. The $5 activity
covers the cost of the materials we will use. 


Everyone is welcome to join us, so please spread the word. I do ask that
those who plan to participate RSVP to me by September 28 to let me know if
you plan to be there so we can be sure to have enough materials for


Come get your hands dirty with the Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of


I look forward to seeing everyone there.


Brian R. Miller, Ph.D.


Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia


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