[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Holman Prize Applications Close in Two Weeks!

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 00:59:30 UTC 2018

Fellow chapter members,


I wanted to share the below as a follow up to my brief presentation on the Holman prize at January’s meeting… Let me know if you have any questions!



Brian R. Miller, Ph.D.


Greater Alexandria Chapter

NFB of Virginia



From: Max Levenson [mailto:MLevenson at lighthouse-sf.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 12:00 PM
Subject: Holman Prize Applications Close in Two Weeks!




(Image: a blue and black silhouette of a figure with a cane on a mountaintop, above the words "Holman Prize")




Submissions for the Holman Prize, LightHouse for the Blind’s annual $25,000 award for blind creators and adventurers, are coming to a close! You have until February 28 at noon PST to submit your application!


To apply, submit a 90 second YouTube video explaining the project that you would undertake with the prize money, as well as a brief questionnaire. The application, as well as more information on how to apply, can be found on our website, www.holmanprize.org. <http://www.holmanprize.org./> 


You can read more about the prize in the  <http://washingtonpost.com/news/inspired-life/wp/2017/06/29/blindness-does-not-stop-this-beekeeper-this-baker-and-this-kayaker-from-expanding-their-vision/> Washington Post, the  <http://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/SF-group-s-awards-allow-blind-baker-beekeeper-12224147.php> San Francisco Chronicle, the  <http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08x4rj7> BBC, and PRI’s  <https://www.pri.org/stories/2017-11-07/new-technology-help-blind-captain-kayak-across-bosphorus-solo-journey> The World.​


In 2017, our inaugural year, we received more than 200 applications from two dozen countries, and our three winners, chosen by a panel of blind judges, represent a wide spectrum of ambition and ingenuity.  <http://lighthouse-sf.org/blog/meet-ahmet-ustunel-blind-kayaker-and-holman-prizewinner/> Ahmet Ustunel is training to kayak Turkey’s Bosphorus Strait, completely solo;  <http://lighthouse-sf.org/blog/meet-penny-melville-brown-blind-baker-and-holman-prizewinner/> Penny Melville-Brown is taking her YouTube baking show to six continents;  <http://lighthouse-sf.org/blog/meet-ojok-simon-blind-beekeeper-and-holman-prizewinner/> Ojok Simon is teaching his fellow blind and low-vision Ugandans to become self-sustaining beekeepers.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact Max Savage Levenson, Holman Prize Coordinator, at mlevenson at lighthouse-sf.org




Max Levenson 

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1155 Market Street, 10th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103

Despite damage from the Napa fires,  <http://lighthouse-sf.org/2018/01/30/enchanted-hills-camp-back-with-a-full-camp-schedule-for-the-2018-season/> we are pleased to reopen Enchanted Hills Camp for Summer 2018!

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