[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Improvements Coming to King Street Metro!

Brian Miller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 18:44:46 UTC 2018

Good afternoon,


Please see the below important announcement about significant construction and renovation that will impact all of us who use the King Street Metro station. I am hoping to have one of the traffic engineers from the city come talk to the chapter at one of our next meetings. Meanwhile 

Brace yourselves for substantial disruptions in the coming months and years. 

Brian Miller


Greater Alexandria Chapter 

NFB of Virginia


From: In A DASH News <mark.curry=alexandriava.gov at mail161.suw101.mcdlv.net> On Behalf Of In A DASH News
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2018 12:00 PM
To: brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Subject: Improvements Coming to King Street Metro!







On September 9, the City of Alexandria and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) will begin construction on the King Street-Old Town Metrorail Station Access Improvement Project. While the Project will bring many benefits to transit users, there will be significant construction impacts through mid-2020.  

Safety and access upgrades will include improved pedestrian access and safety; three additional bus bays; improved traffic flow; new designated areas for bikes, shuttles, Kiss & Ride, and carshare vehicles; and improved landscaping, lighting, and aesthetics.

The project will occur in two phases. During the first phase, which will last approximately 17 months, bus bays will be relocated to surrounding streets. Other facilities – including locations for Kiss & Ride, car share and shuttles – will remain closed for the duration of project construction. During the second phase, the new bus bays will be completed and open, but the Kiss & Ride, car share and shuttle area will remain closed. Starting August 6, preliminary construction will remove the existing metered parking lot and shuttle area within the station. These customers should use the Braddock Road or Eisenhower Avenue Metrorail station.

During major construction, starting September 9, please expect the following: 

*	There will be no Kiss & Ride area during construction. All customers who use these areas should use either Eisenhower Avenue or Braddock Road Metrorail stations (Phases 1 and 2).
*	The existing parking lot and bus loading area will be under construction, except for pedestrian paths to the bus bays (Phase 1).
*	Bus bays will be temporarily relocated to Diagonal Road, Daingerfield Road, Cameron Street and King Street. Work to build these temporary bays will begin in early August and will affect on-street parking. Wayfinding signs will direct bus riders to their temporary bay (Phase 1). The bus bays will be moved back to the station after Phase 1 is completed.
*	Pedestrians using the Carlyle pedestrian tunnel will be required to cross Diagonal Road at Duke Street and again at the mid-block crossing (Phase 1).
*	A temporary pedestrian path will run from the main entrance of the station to the mid-block crosswalk and the bus waiting area at Diagonal Road through the construction area. An additional pedestrian path will be parallel to the Metrorail tracks, near the station, between the main entrance and King Street (Phases 1 and 2).
*	The MetroAccess van and taxi pick-up and drop-off area will be temporarily relocated to the north side of Cameron Street just east of the north entrance to the King Street-Old Town Metrorail Station entrance at Commonwealth Avenue. Taxis may also use the zone in front of the Embassy Suites Hotel, or Alexandria Union Station (Phases 1 and 2).
*	There will be no shuttle area within the station, and all local shuttle service must use either Eisenhower Avenue or Braddock Road Metrorail stations (Phases 1 and 2).
*	Bicycle parking will be provided at the station, and the Capital Bikeshare stations on Diagonal Road and Commonwealth Avenue will remain open throughout the duration of the project (Phases 1 and 2).
*	Drivers should be aware of increased congestion and limited street parking during project construction. Station users should plan for additional time getting to and from Metro. (Phases 1 and 2).

The City provides information on alternate ways of getting around, including walking, biking, and teleworking, through the transportation resource program  <https://dashbus.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3e5af002d0f37061a505927f2&id=669daf5c39&e=8d0df8515b> GO Alex.

The Access Improvement Project will not impact train service or cause any station closures. A separate WMATA project to rehabilitate the station platform will affect train service in summer 2019. The City is working with WMATA to coordinate both projects.

The Access Improvement Project was approved by City Council in 2012 after several years of study, community input, design, and review by City boards and commissions. Over the past five years, the City has worked closely with WMATA and these stakeholders to finalize the design process.

To learn more about the project and what to expect during construction, visit the  <https://dashbus.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3e5af002d0f37061a505927f2&id=6182b38d9a&e=8d0df8515b> King Street-Old Town Metro Access Improvement Project webpage.

For media inquiries, contact Andrea Blackford, Senior Communications Officer, at  <mailto:andrea.blackford at alexandriava.gov> andrea.blackford at alexandriava.gov or 703.746.3959.

# # #

This news release is available at  <https://dashbus.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3e5af002d0f37061a505927f2&id=5ea0bc2f4e&e=8d0df8515b> alexandriava.gov/105206.











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Thank you for riding DASH!

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