[NFBV-Alexandria] Presidential release, March 1, 2018

BrianMiller brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 22:33:13 UTC 2018

Dear chapter members,


The most recent presidential release from Mark Riccobono is a very important
one, and we've been asked to be sure that all chapter members listen to it,
and have the opportunity to ask questions of our chapter, affiliate, and
national leadership. 


I wanted to be sure everyone had immediate access to this latest release, so
I've attached it to this email, and provided a link to it below as well. You
may also subscribe to the presidential release as a podcast, and it is
available through the NFB newsline for the blind service. 


Here is the link to the release:





The topics of the release include:

*Pre-registration for the NFB national convention information

*Delta policy on traveling with guide dogs updates;

*Aira  exclusive prices for NFB members for new and current subscribers -
this includes 60 free minutes for home and work, NFB conventions, and
work-related activities; and

*The NFB code of conduct. 


Of these above topics, I want to draw particular attention to the code of
conduct developed by our national leadership, and expected to be implemented
by all our affiliates. Chapter presidents have been asked to be sure that we
review this code of conduct at our meetings and make sure everyone
understands it, and has the chance to ask any questions. 


We will listen to president Riccobono' s presentation of the code of conduct
the next time the board meets, as well as at our next chapter meeting. 


Please take the time to listen to it in advance so that we can be best
prepared to discuss it when we meet. Meanwhile, please let me know if you
have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the code of conduct,
or any other aspect of the presidential release. 


Thank you for your attention to this important matter.




Brian R. Miller, Ph.D.


Greater Alexandria Chapter of the NFB of Virginia




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