[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: THE ECHO: News from the Alexandria Harmonizers
Brian Miller
brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 13:49:32 UTC 2019
Warning! Shameless plugs below… With the chapter’s indulgence, please find below the most recent newsletter from the Alexandria Harmonizers. There are a few opportunities to see the Harmonizers perform, along with special guests, in the upcoming weeks. This includes next Saturday, February 9 at the Alexandria Masonic Temple, when the Harmonizers will be joined by our special guests, the Yale Whiffenpoofs.
Brian Miller
Alexandria NFB
From: Alexandria Harmonizers <scipio at harmonizers.ccsend.com> On Behalf Of Alexandria Harmonizers
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2019 7:13 AM
To: brianrmiller88 at gmail.com
Subject: THE ECHO: News from the Alexandria Harmonizers
February 2018
Volume 11, Issue 1
Join the Harmonizers as we present The Yale Whiffenpoofs! The world's oldest, collegiate a cappella group were formerly all-male, however, they recently opened membership to women and have their first female Whiffenpoof! The Alexandria Harmonizers are hosting a joint concert at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, at 3pm on Saturday, February 9th. Tickets are only $30 and are available <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FcbeDTwjanCuIYb55Qcam-nScDlJWAzJsJv_F6B1vNwBciKYxMLC8_-RhvHY28ZQQTa01wQtFOenb43AYq62QrUz_ysECGDMFFRHpO0gbQJsN5-QNvj7L_La8pRjqXLAAXHMIQanfPEB8REBAn8dlXP8wf-wKE-OJy9kzxWdlcCyZ_SxAPzbGn0PrA_HCi2hMA==&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> here. This show is General Admission with open seating, so plan to arrive early.
Harmonizer Holidays 2018
The 2018 Holidays were busy for the Harmonizers. We performed our "Secret of Christmas" Holiday Concert at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria on December 8th. This show had an international twist and featured the return of our our beloved "Jack", performed by long-time Harmonizer, Terry Reynolds. The show was written and produced by Jeff Burkey and comprehensively managed by our Director of Shows, Joe Cerutti, Sr. - both men deserve major kudos for their efforts! It was a fun story and it was great to see Terry in the Jack-In-The-Box once again! Besides the Harmonizers the concert featured the mixed quartet Better Together, with Harmonizers Andrew Havens and Tony Colismo, along with their wives, Heather and Elizabeth. Our resident small ensemble chorus, TBD sang three songs, as well. The concert was a huge success and was nearly sold out.
On the 9th, TBD, performed a short concert at Clarendon Presbyterian Church, in Arlington for an annual event called "The Spirited Carol Sing". TBD rehearses at CPC, and performs at the church a couple times a year to show appreciation to the community. After the concert and carol sing, the church hosted a Pasta Bar with lots of pasta and several different pasta toppers. It was a festive evening!
On December 15th, a group of about 25 Harmonizers went on a Holiday Carol Sing at selected retirement and care centers. We stopped at The Fountains at Washington House, Woodbine Nursing Home, Sunrise of Alexandria and The Hermitage. Clyde Crusenberry organized and planned the event which was directed by Joe Cerutti, Jr. It was a delightful afternoon and went off without a hitch despite a bit of rain.
Finally, the Harmonizers performed our annual "Carol Crawl" in Old Town Alexandria on December 18th. The event was organized by Mark Klostermeyer and Joe Cerutti, Sr. About 60 - 70 Harmonizers attended, it was the best attended Carol Crawl that most of us could remember! We visited about nine to ten establishments and sang three songs in each place to the delight of the customers - lots of smiles and laughs! We did an impromptu concert in front of the Torpedo Factory, where we sang some of our more challenging Holiday pieces for the amazed passers-by. We ended up at Caldwell's on the waterfront where we sang and then filed upstairs for food, more singing and Holiday Cheer!
It was an eventful Holiday season with a lot of community outreach, here's to much more in 2019!
Join The Alexandria Harmonizers for the Together in Harmony Concert - an international celebration of vocal harmony with our very special guests from New Zealand, the <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FcbeDTwjanCurcJxraEBJffYpib4m1nEsBDT1x1h5Bar8h7BX67C6RAHoxWc0Oi03gDFz8ItEpnH9nJ3me4teRGNjfYG8szEAwZC0yzVKnh_qbYK0t1vy4_CqZ6YztHYxbcqktN6N1hl&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Vocal Collective, as well as our local friends, the terrific <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FcbeDTwjanCuzA-V0K8tZgK5UCpnepYnCOue0fO4VdsNvEwykfkMkzJm9hYhBYqCsPKkTaM98Wx9ZbQlPO_Jxxmhf3GtSMMs34M1m8F6tMwndVzckAXLau2rHDjuexp7E5Q4ZH5BV_NQrwwH8Gk880o=&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Alexandria Singers.
Musical selections will run the gamut of a capella barbershop to modern pop and lots of fun in-between! The event will be at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial on March 20th, at 7:00 pm, and tickets are only $10! Tickets may be purchased on Eventbrite. Please join us for a wonderful evening of international harmonic camaraderie!
"70-for-70" Fundraising Initiative
In 2018, our 70th anniversary year, we set an ambitious goal to raise $70,000 from individual donors. We are very pleased to report that our "70 for 70" campaign was a success! We exceeded our goal, and raised over $73,000! 2018 was the most successful fundraising year in Harmonizer history. A hearty "THANK YOU" to all of our generous patrons and donors - you make what we do possible!
Wiffenpoofs in Alexandria -
Saturday, Feb. 9th -
3:00 to 5:00 pm
George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Together in Harmony
Wednesday, Mar. 20th
7:00 - 9:00 pm
George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Youth Harmony Festival
Friday, Apr. 5th
Scottish Rite Temple
The Harmonizers meet on Tuesday evenings at the <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FU3ko88UenUbp5bMDxTz8WolewybQedYTHzdSef9V3LhxGQQj8W1qh2EHBVF4RnQMf2SQ051lllAeSiIMmDVTMH33GQCF8yfxhf8NQJngV-1twLlck7BRt4hvvz0iepMUA==&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Alexandria Scottish Rite, 1430 W Braddock Rd, from 7pm to 10pm.
Rehearsals are open to the public. Join us in song, enjoy the music, or just say hello!
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FVyebufhouxt_y1LVlsEDmer9leb35Qihla-RZGc-GUuDG1mtNsx7TFX-rjCCdAUYjWqg8zNirx4fhDb_DU-Zd-n8nPBxVpJv-ocDU8YywVx57s-jKQO8oo=&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Harmonizers.org
Find out more about us, including where to see us perform and how to join.
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FQoATjkKw0oR-30gGFMkMl3ENVq89HJOEsrXnKEmbvlikRFgrj5KkWaiR2MLNkuoJGOdVIZfdoGvujP1CUNezz8Zuhijxp6Mt3mQ0RG0RmziYn7c7SbCRDt-eReYfMw52Og3sIdS-QSN&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Harmonizers on Facebook <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FQoATjkKw0oR-30gGFMkMl3ENVq89HJOEsrXnKEmbvlikRFgrj5KkWaiR2MLNkuoJGOdVIZfdoGvujP1CUNezz8Zuhijxp6Mt3mQ0RG0RmziYn7c7SbCRDt-eReYfMw52Og3sIdS-QSN&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==>
Be our friend, then tell all your other friends about us.
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FQ6cjyYWsSzHmF2JJQnf5HRB7Ic0xRx0Ux968MHD3pLNGkCH_Q73533Yt4thYIuHuQpAhU8mpxmJWGCUkZDPjdtQcjQ9Z7-XPtUujqmjLKcEltL4_AYYxxcMP2y--GT6t1-pQjIGQZa2&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> @TheHarmonizers <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FQ6cjyYWsSzHmF2JJQnf5HRB7Ic0xRx0Ux968MHD3pLNGkCH_Q73533Yt4thYIuHuQpAhU8mpxmJWGCUkZDPjdtQcjQ9Z7-XPtUujqmjLKcEltL4_AYYxxcMP2y--GT6t1-pQjIGQZa2&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==>
Follow us on Twitter and see what's #trending in our world.
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FYiUQXTCXoNL5G6p3zzZiAuTuNXyVpPsJ5CEpGtAhIcbLHxncEpYTK-aJfr0TzWm3LpGKSjp5LSBfCLyhbEiTI3mRf4mBpsfz_ebsTo941ZtxoJ_7vZpVI8V-4vyBIaPqUpVz5luASvRLBsDre4XFx8=&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Harmonizers Shop
Take something home for yourself or the Harmo-fan in your life.
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FRvdmDtTxG2cHOR3Cdgst0f_-h2kagWEH7A3b6k-M3HJg-DEJJdnZwrimGhIFZq9kRyBJ2JRe0RvnUyrgp7JWECMQDT-TdLV_CtQsrr-P_5SUwTHK8fH1_th-YjqJvXo8g==&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> Barbershop Harmony Society
Find out more about our parent organization and how it enriches lives through singing.
For general inquiries, email us at <mailto:info at harmonizers.org> info at harmonizers.org.
To hire the Harmonizers or one of our ensembles, contact us at <mailto:bookings at harmonizers.org> bookings
The Echo is dedicated to the memory of the long-time editor of its print edition, Wilbur Sparks.
Alexandria Harmonizers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization that depends on the generosity of our supporters. To donate, <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Msg6WzRwZU-ykYReMJH93sIluvb-BDvBQ6Lzf6NlnkGQrSM474V3FR56JSZdz2m4VlsQYyWGPy2Tl45WgR5-4WU6qkkzGf4pf0lirYsEiTR5mPoPQfls_rClUi_kmhCswUlOnGFnSotSef6JN6IWsTyKLqwWPLtNZE1Efi33sptjx21oGKSNzQsA0pgX95JF&c=OJ5NFh3DpjasI6HrCJSvcceoZW5zc-shoV4Pt3vd8scUpUVgP57CKA==&ch=pIYmZmpo3fRq6EocdCUIm0jyfS3mFFgBKaDRWACxHfAdVSiLIteLfg==> click here.
Alexandria Harmonizers, 605 Prince St, Alexandria, VA 22314
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