[NFBV-Alexandria] FW: Alexandria Transit Vision Plan - Status and Next Steps

Valdez, Evelyn Evelyn.Valdez at va.gov
Tue Jun 25 18:10:22 UTC 2019

Greater Alexandria Chapter Members:
Thanking Bob fore sending this over.

Hi Evelyn - In case you didn't get this, I suggest we send it along to the chapter as an update on the Alexandria Vision bus plan.

From: Steve Sindiong [mailto:Steve.Sindiong at alexandriava.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 10:04 AM
Cc: Susan Tatum; Tamara Jovovic; mciarrocchi at alexchamber.com<mailto:mciarrocchi at alexchamber.com>; Stephanie Landrum; Agnes.Artemel at artemelassociates.com<mailto:Agnes.Artemel at artemelassociates.com>; Patricia Washington; haford123; vmgthehill at aol.com<mailto:vmgthehill at aol.com>; peter at snellcc.com<mailto:peter at snellcc.com>; kstimson at me.com<mailto:kstimson at me.com>; mikedeliso at gmail.com<mailto:mikedeliso at gmail.com>; bob2 at comcast.net<mailto:bob2 at comcast.net>; president at delraycitizen.net<mailto:president at delraycitizen.net>; betsy.braverman9 at gmail.com<mailto:betsy.braverman9 at gmail.com>; konyasteve at gmail.com<mailto:konyasteve at gmail.com>; Saamer Abdo; t1d3b at yahoo.com<mailto:t1d3b at yahoo.com>; rbs at goroveslade.com<mailto:rbs at goroveslade.com>; kds at goroveslade.com<mailto:kds at goroveslade.com>; charles.stone at acps.k12.va.us<mailto:charles.stone at acps.k12.va.us>; erika.gulick at acps.k12.va.us<mailto:erika.gulick at acps.k12.va.us>; mblackwell at nvcc.edu<mailto:mblackwell at nvcc.edu>; meredith at nova.org<mailto:meredith at nova.org>; ahimes at wmata.com<mailto:ahimes at wmata.com>; wjones at arlingtonva.us<mailto:wjones at arlingtonva.us>; mmcmahonpc at gmail.com<mailto:mmcmahonpc at gmail.com>; alyia.smithparker331 at gmail.com<mailto:alyia.smithparker331 at gmail.com>; jimandcarey48 at comcast.net<mailto:jimandcarey48 at comcast.net>; Yolanda.y.creal.civ at mail.mil<mailto:Yolanda.y.creal.civ at mail.mil>; Kate Garvey; brianrmiller88 at gmail.com<mailto:brianrmiller88 at gmail.com>; patrick.ryan.dennis at gmail.com<mailto:patrick.ryan.dennis at gmail.com>; bobmhartt at gmail.com<mailto:bobmhartt at gmail.com>; wchristopherharris at gmail.com<mailto:wchristopherharris at gmail.com>; dwbapc at gmail.com<mailto:dwbapc at gmail.com>; dawnielle at casachirilagua.org<mailto:dawnielle at casachirilagua.org>; ktlinn31 at gmail.com<mailto:ktlinn31 at gmail.com>; anna.mclure at alexandriava.gov<mailto:anna.mclure at alexandriava.gov>; mbabcock at carlylecouncil.com<mailto:mbabcock at carlylecouncil.com>; Alan Dinsmore; info at potomacyard.org<mailto:info at potomacyard.org>; fran.fucquez99 at gmail.com<mailto:fran.fucquez99 at gmail.com>; jeff.lipsky at comcast.net<mailto:jeff.lipsky at comcast.net>; kbeekman at gmail.com<mailto:kbeekman at gmail.com>; joycedexter47 at gmail.com<mailto:joycedexter47 at gmail.com>; milonesteve at gmail.com<mailto:milonesteve at gmail.com>; pweber at lcor.com<mailto:pweber at lcor.com>; KBRONSON at nsf.gov<mailto:KBRONSON at nsf.gov>; kapsisje at gmail.com<mailto:kapsisje at gmail.com>; Greg Useem; bdesta at ecdcus.org<mailto:bdesta at ecdcus.org>; Martin Barna; Jose Ayala; Raymond Mui; Christopher Ziemann; Hillary Orr; Yon Lambert; Josh Baker; Jennifer Slesinger; Jim Maslanka
Subject: Alexandria Transit Vision Plan - Status and Next Steps

Greetings Alexandria Transit Vision Plan (ATV) Stakeholders,

Since our last meeting with you in February, the ATV project team has been very busy during our second of three rounds of public engagement.  As you may recall, this round of outreach was focused on a policy-level discussion about two draft network concepts (the "Coverage" Concept and the "Ridership" Concept).  These concepts, which were presented to the Stakeholder group (summarized in our "Concepts Report"<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alexandriava.gov%2FuploadedFiles%2Ftes%2F2019-02-11%2520%2520Alexandria%2520Concepts%2520Report%2520FINAL.pdf&data=02%7C01%7CSteve.Sindiong%40alexandriava.gov%7C603abbc1f60c4285765608d6f4f7eb01%7Cfeaa9b3143754aeeadccc76ad32a890b%7C0%7C0%7C636965744775884600&sdata=CjMGTiyrG0WJNG12zJ%2BoFiwYGdcIO91Oo1HOjEw1UFY%3D&reserved=0>  ) were designed to help facilitate a discussion about the overall purpose of the Alexandria bus network, and the extent to which we should balance the competing objectives of ridership maximization and geographic coverage.  For reference, the "Coverage" and "Ridership" networks were meant to illustrate what the Alexandria bus network could look like with 70% and 90% of the service hours dedicated to ridership-oriented goals, respectively.

Through an extensive Round 2 public engagement campaign, we were able to get a wide range of feedback from the Alexandria community, key stakeholders and city leaders.  In response to community feedback, we also extended the outreach period by two months (through early June) to allow for more outreach events and more input to be provided.  In general, the feedback skewed slightly more towards the "Ridership" concept, but concerns were raised about its impact on seniors and individuals with limited mobility.  We also heard a great deal from the Parkfairfax community, near Shirlington, about the importance of maintaining their peak service to the Pentagon.  A high-level summary of the Round 2 outreach conducted and the feedback received is attached to this e-mail.

At the conclusion of the outreach period, the Alexandria Transit Company (ATC) Board met on June 12 to provide guidance to the project team on the development of a draft recommended network, as well as near term and longer term service levels, based on the input received on the Ridership concept and Coverage concept. The Board recommended that the ATV network be designed with approximately 85 percent of service hours dedicated to ridership oriented goals. Approximately 15 percent of service hours should be allocated for coverage type services, with an emphasis on maintaining transit access for areas with significant numbers of seniors and individuals with limited mobility. The final draft ATV network will also be designed with a focus on peak services such as the AT-3 and AT-4 in light of the extensive public feedback that has been received.  In terms of future levels of investment, the Board recommended that the ATV Plan network should target a 20 percent increase over current service hours by the year 2030. For the short term, the Board recommended that the plan look at three scenarios of service level increases by FY 2022, including a 4 percent increase, an 8 percent increase, and no increase to better understand the potential fiscal impacts over the next two years.
The project team will be developing a Draft ATV Network in late August and presented to the Stakeholders at a final workshop in September. We will contact you in the near future to let you know the date of this workshop. In addition, we will be going out to the public in September for our final (third) round of engagement, before a final recommendation is made to the ATC Board in late 2019.
For any questions, please visit the project website (www.dashbus.com/transitvision<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dashbus.com%2Ftransitvision&data=02%7C01%7CSteve.Sindiong%40alexandriava.gov%7C603abbc1f60c4285765608d6f4f7eb01%7Cfeaa9b3143754aeeadccc76ad32a890b%7C0%7C0%7C636965744775894599&sdata=z6c9mn78rYnYczKusmXDuVFIhZotmttWiy3etiJiic0%3D&reserved=0>), or contact the project team at transitvision at alexandriava.gov<mailto:transitvision at alexandriava.gov>.
Thank you, and we hope you have a great summer.

Steve Sindiong, AICP
Transit Capital Program Manager, Transportation & Environmental Services
City of Alexandria, Virginia
421 King Street, Suite 235
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Office Phone (direct)       703.746.4047

Martin Barna
Director of Planning & Scheduling
Alexandria Transit Company (DASH)
martin.barna at alexandriava.gov<mailto:martin.barna at alexandriava.gov>

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