[NFBV-Alexandria] Transformation to Competitive Employment Act: building cosponsors

Valdez, Evelyn Evelyn.Valdez at va.gov
Tue May 21 13:48:58 UTC 2019

Hello all,

As mentioned in the legislative report at Saturday’s board meeting,

the House Education and Labor Committee will hold a full committee

hearing on the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act, H.R. 873,

tomorrow May 21. We were going to have a legislative Day of Action

today to build more cosponsors for this bill. However, given the short

notice, we are going to ask for a day of action on June 3, when

Congress is back in session. We will send out areminder and sample

email the day before. If you are still able to call your House

representatives today before tomorrow’s hearing, please do. Chairman

Bobby Scott from Virginia is the bill champion in the House, along

with Washington Representative Cathy McMorris-Rogers. You can contact

your representative by calling the Capitol Switchboard at (202)

224-3121 and asking for your member’s office. If you’d like to send an

email, here is a sample email you can use:

“My name is [name] and I am a constituent of Representative [name]. I

am calling to encourage the Representative to cosponsor the

Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (H.R. 873). The

Transformation to Competitive Employment Act provides a thoughtful

approach to phasing out Section 14(c) subminimum wage certificates

over a six-year period while providing the funding, supports and

training necessary to change the infrastructure of outdated business

models. This “capacity-building” component of the bill is what

distinguishes it from other bills that have attempted 14(c) phase-outs

and is a responsible approach to ending the discriminatory payment of

subminimum wage while helping businesses transform to competitive

integrated employment settings. This bill aligns with the Workforce

Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), which prioritizes competitive

integrated employment for people with disabilities and significantly

limits the use of subminimum wages, and with the recommendations of

the WIOA Advisory Committee, which recommended a thoughtful phase-out

of 14(c) together with a systematic approach to expand capacity for

competitive integrated employment, particularly for people

transitioning out of sheltered workshops.

Thank you for your support of blind Americans.


[Your Name]”

Please CC Kimie Eacobacci, Government Affairs Specialist at the

National Center, on any emails you send to your representatives at

keacobacci at nfb.org.

Currently, there are thirty-seven co-sponsors on the TCE Act.

Thank you.

Deepa Goraya

Co-Legislative Director

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

Sarah Patnaude

Corresponding Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

patnaude.sarah at yahoo.com

(804) 591-6153



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