[Nfbv-announce] 4-H FLEX student with visual impairment

Fredric Schroeder fschroeder at sks.com
Sat Jun 19 14:23:44 UTC 2010


fromû burton robert s àdbviù
sentû thursday june 10 ;"," 4û;: pm
toû #42vi azalea àdbviù; #42vi bristollist àdbviù; #42vi fairfax
àdbviù; #42vi norfolk àdbviù; #42vi roanoke àdbviù; #42vi 
subjectû fwû .-h flex student with visual impairment

good afternoon folks

i have been contacted by a volunteer with the virginia .-h 
program who
is attempting to locate a family willing to host a ,( year old 
impaired student from the former soviet union for a year  the 
young man
would be attending the high school in the sponsor family's 
community  i
realize that this is a major commitment but thought that you 
might know
someone who would be up to the task  the basics of the program 
spelled out below and the attachment provides a profile of the 
the name of the virginia contact is rebecca moyer and she can be 
at 5."-325-,"!, àcell phoneù or via email at  
êmailtoûrebeccamoyer25ÿahoocomä   if you have questions

best regards

bob burton

deputy commissioner for services

dept for the blind and vision impaired

39( azalea ave   ;:;;(

voiceû ?".  -:(,-:,.! 

fromû van nguyen ömailtoûvan%states4horgï
sentû thursday june 10 ;"," 1û5: pm
toû burton robert s àdbviù
subjectû .-h flex student with visual impairment

dear mr burton

our va coordinator rebecca moyer informed me that you have 
offered to
help us with finding a host family and school for a foreign 
student with visual impairments attached is a profile for the 
including a summary of his visual impairments/needs please feel 
free to
send this profile out to those you think may be interested in 

additionally i wanted to give you some information on our program 
the support we offer throughout the year

ms moyer may have already shared with you information on our
organization but in summary we àstates' .-h international 
programsù work with .-h extension àstaff and volunteers such as 
moyerù to host :" students through the us department of state 
leaders exchange àflexù program this program brings approximately 
teenagers from eurasia àcountries of the former soviet unionù to 
us for a school year students live with american host families 
attend a us high school our organization commits to hosting at 
, student with disabilities each year

the program will provide the student with a monthly allowance of 
for personal needs àhygienic supplies clothing etcù and to 
the student with a little spending money similar to allowances 
given to
american kids by their parents àexchange students are not allowed 
to be
employed so this will be their only form of extra funds besides 
their parents give them prior to coming to the usù additionally 
will provide the following funds to the student and/or host 
family to
assist with expenses during the yearû

â         ë:"" for incidentals àschool supplies clothing school
activities' fees etcù-host families and students will need to 
receipts for these expenses for reimbursement

â         ë15"" for expenses related to the student's visual 
can provide ë5"" at the beginning of the year for a host family 
prepare for the student's arrival and/or for activities shortly 
the student's arrival to help him prepare for school the rest can 
disbursed throughout the year as expenses are incurred àthese 
funds can
be used to pay for doctor's visits equipment to help the 
sights special books etcù

we also have some funds for medical emergencies if necessary the
student will have accident and sickness insurance but it does not 
pre-existing conditions so any issues relating to his vision or
pancreatisis will need to be paid for separately àour 
organization will
pay for these expensesù also in the past many specialists were
willing to donate their time or offer discounted fees to help 
make their
services more affordable to the student since these students are 
scholarship and do not have a lot of personal funds

besides the financial assistance listed above ms moyer and her 
team in
va are there to offer their support to the student host family 
school our office is also available to assist when needed

this student is due to depart for the us july ;: àto attend a
week-long disability workshop in oregon prior to flying to his 
stateù to comply with us visa regulations for foreign exchange
students we need to confirm a host family and school for him at 
least :
weeks prior to his departure thus it is urgent that we find 
for him by july 1st

thank you for helping with the placement of this student we 
appreciate your assistance and the access to your network of 
working with the visually impaired

please do not hesitate to contact myself or ms moyer if you have 
question about the student or our program

best regards

van nguyen

van nguyen

senior program manager

states' .-h international exchange programs

(;" 3rd ave suite 2205

seattle wa 9?,".

telû 206462;;""

direct lineû 206462;;";

faxû 20646221*

van%states4horg êmailtoûjachançarlsonwagonlitcom

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