[Nfbv-announce] NFBV Senior Division Open for More Members & the Upcoming 12/28 Conference Call

Christopher Vinson chrisvinson1 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 14:30:00 UTC 2016

As most of you know, the NFBV Senior Group is now the NFBV Senior
Division.  We received our Charter on November 13, at the NFBV convention.

Board members are:

President, Nancy yeager;
Vice President: Corless Jones;
Secretary/Treasurer: Sandy Halverson;
Board Member 1:  Rick Holley;
Board Member 2:  Bobbie Cohen.

If you want to join the NFBV Senior Division and were unable to attend our
Seminar during convention, please contact Sandy Halverson,
Secretary/Treasurer, email: sandyh50 at verizon.net.

We plan to continue monthly conference calls where we will have
discussions, guest speakers and explore possible Division projects.
Conference calls will occur on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00
pm.  Please note:  this is a change from earlier calls which were held on
the third Wednesday of the month.

The date of the next call is December 28, at 7:00 pm.  Dial-in information

Phone:  (712) 432-1500
Access code:  830676 followed by pound sign (to the right of the 0.)

We will elect a delegate and alternate delegate to the affiliate Board of

December’s Discussion Topic is: Over Protective Families and Friends.  It
will be lead by Patty Droppers.

If you have discussion topic and/or Division project ideas, please send
them to: nfbvseniors at gmail.com.

Nancy Yeager
President, NFBV Senior Division
Email:  nfbvseniors at gmail.com

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