[Nfbv-announce] Announcing the NFB of Virginia Code of Conduct

Tracy Soforenko tracy.soforenko at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 04:23:24 UTC 2018

Hi National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Board Members, Chapter
Leaders, and Members,


At a national level, we have implemented a Code of Conduct that all members
of the National Board of Directors and affiliate presidents have signed. In
my opinion, the Code of Conduct mirrors expectations that should be obvious
to most everyone in the Federation because it is aligned to how we already
operate as an organization.


The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia will also implement the
code of conduct with specific references to Virginia.

I have attached this document in the form of a Word Document and pasted the
text at the end of this message. The Code of Conduct will also be posted to
our web site.

All affiliates are expected to adopt the code of conduct at the affiliates
next Board of directors Meeting. Attached to this email is the NFB of
Virginia Code of Conduct that the Virginia affiliate will review and adopt
at our May 19 Board of Directors meeting.  

We need to ensure that everyone reads and understands the code of conduct
and that we obtain acknowledgement of the pledge from all affiliate and
chapter leaders.


Our affiliate must confirm adoption of this Code of Conduct prior to the
national convention. Changes to this document are not permitted without the
permission of the NFB National Board. If you have suggestions for future
edits to this document, please send them to President Riccobono with a
carbon copy to me.


You, as an affiliate or chapter leader, should read and acknowledge receipt
of the NFB of Virginia code by inserting your name into the appropriate
place in section XI and sending the text of that section in an email to
tracy.soforenko at gmail.com <mailto:tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> 


If you have questions about the Code of Conduct, I will be holding two
conference calls during March to answer questions and address procedural
questions. We are asking chapters to share this in your chapter meetings and
ensure that the members of your chapter or division understand the Code of
Conduct. I am glad to address any questions outside of the conference calls
so do not hesitate to ask.


Text of the Code of Conduct is below:





I. Introduction

The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia is part of a nationwide
community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the
nation's blind. The Federation knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back. To help carry out the Federation's
vital mission, this Code of Conduct sets forth policies and standards that
all members, especially Federation leaders, are expected to adopt and


II. Diversity Policy

The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia embraces diversity and full
participation as core values in its mission to achieve equality,
opportunity, and security for the blind. We are committed to building and
maintaining a statewide organization with local chapters and divisions that
is unified in its priorities and programs and is directed by the membership.
We respect differences of opinion, beliefs, identities, and other
characteristics that demonstrate that blind people are a diverse cross
section of society. Furthermore, the organization is dedicated to continuing
to establish new methods of membership and leadership development that
reflect the diversity of the entire blind community. In promoting a diverse
and growing organization, we expect integrity and honesty in our
relationships with each other and openness to learning about and
experiencing cultural diversity. We believe that these qualities are crucial
to fostering social and intellectual maturity. Intellectual maturity also
requires individual struggle with unfamiliar ideas. We recognize that our
views and convictions will be challenged, and we expect this challenge to
take place in a climate of tolerance and mutual respect in order to maintain
a united organization. While we encourage the exchange of differing ideas
and experiences, we do not condone the use of demeaning, derogatory, or
discriminatory language, action, or any other form of expression intended to
marginalize an individual or group. The National Federation of the Blind
does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color,
religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, national
origin, citizenship, marital status, age, genetic information, disability,
or any other characteristic or intersectionality of characteristics. 


III. Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy

The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia will not tolerate
discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, gender identity
and expression, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, marital
status, age, genetic information, disability, or any other characteristic or
intersectionality of characteristics. Harassment on the basis of any of
these characteristics similarly will not be tolerated. Although this Code of
Conduct establishes a minimum standard prohibiting discrimination and
harassment, nothing in this Code should be interpreted to limit in any way a
person's right to report abuse or harassment to law enforcement when

Sexual harassment is prohibited by state and federal law and also will not
be tolerated by the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia. Complaints
of harassment may be lodged by a female against a male, by a female against
a female, by a male against a male, or by a male against a female. Sexual
harassment is defined as "unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual
favors, sexually motivated physical contact, or other verbal or physical
conduct or communication of a sexual nature." The following conduct is
either considered conduct that by itself is sexual harassment, or that has
the potential risk of causing sexual harassment to occur, and this conduct
is therefore prohibited:

*                     unwelcome inappropriate physical contact or touching;

*                     repeating of sexually suggestive
jokes/references/innuendoes and comments about an individual's body/sexual
prowess/physical attributes/dress;

*                     the use of sexually derogatory
language/pictures/videos toward/about another person;

*                     the use of inappropriate sexual gestures;

*                     sexually suggestive propositions; and

*                     explicit or implicit threats that failure to submit
will have negative consequences.


Under this policy, harassment can be verbal, written, or physical conduct
that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because
of his or her race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, marital status,
citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by
law; or that of his or her relatives, friends, or associates, and that a)
has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive
environment; b) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with
an individual's performance or involvement in the organization; or c)
otherwise adversely affects an individual's opportunities for
participation/advancement in the organization.

Harassing conduct includes epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping;
threatening, intimidating or hostile acts including bullying; denigrating
jokes; and written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or
aversion toward an individual or group that is placed on walls or elsewhere
on the organization's premises or circulated by email, phone (including
voice messages), text messages, social networking sites, or other means.




IV. Social Media and Web Policy

All members of the Federation, but especially officers and board members of
the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia as well as those in
leadership positions such as chapter and division presidents, should follow
these recommended guidelines when making comments online, posting to a blog,
using Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/YouTube/Pinterest/Instagram/similar tools,
and/or using other platforms that fall under the definition of social media:

*	Promote the mission and branding message of the organization in
*	Recognize that you are morally and legally responsible for
comments/pictures posted online.
*	Be aware that the audience includes members and nonmembers of the
NFB, both youth and adults, representing diverse cultures and backgrounds.
*	Refrain from using profanity/derogatory language.
*	Post/respond with integrity. Though you may disagree with a post, be
respectful and factual. Do not fight or air personal grievances online.
*	Do not post materials that are inappropriate for children/minors to


V. Conflict of Interest Policy

Each NFB of Virginia officer, board member, or chapter or division president
(hereafter Federation leader) is expected to take appropriate responsibility
to protect the Federation from misappropriation or mismanagement of
Federation funds (including funds of the affiliate, chapter, or division in
which the Federation leader assumes a leadership role).

Each Federation leader is expected to disclose the existence of any
potentially conflicting personal financial interest or relationship to the
full National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Board of Directors and
seek its review and approval, as specified below. For example:

*	A Federation leader must seek board review and approval of his or
her receipt of salary or compensation of any kind from the Federation
(including an affiliate, chapter, or division).
*	A Federation leader must seek board review and approval of receipt
by his or her spouse, parent, child, sibling, or other close relative of
salary or compensation of any kind from the Federation (including an
affiliate, chapter, or division).
*	A Federation leader must seek board review and approval of any
ownership interest exceeding 5 percent in or of any salary, compensation,
commission, or significant tangible gift from any commercial venture doing
business or seeking to do business with the Federation (including an
affiliate, chapter, or division). This process will also apply to the review
of such interests involving spouses, parents, children, siblings, or other
close relatives.
*	In reviewing matters brought pursuant to this section, the officer
or board member seeking state board review and approval will refrain from
*	Each Federation leader shall take appropriate steps to avoid
unauthorized or inaccurate appearances or official endorsement by the
Federation (including an affiliate, chapter, or division) of any product,
service, or activity that has not been so endorsed. For example, because the
Federation never endorses political parties or candidates for elected
office, any Federation leader participating in the political process must
take care to avoid creating an appearance of official Federation


VI. Policy While Interacting with Minors

For purposes of this Code of Conduct and consistent with most legal
standards, a minor is any individual under the age of eighteen. While
interacting with any minor, a state officer, board member, or chapter or
division president (hereafter Federation leader) shall recognize that a
minor cannot legally give consent for any purpose even if said minor is
verbally or otherwise expressing consent. For example, a minor may say that
he/ or she consents to physical interaction. However, such consent is not
valid or legal and should not be accepted. A parent or guardian must be
informed and consulted about any action requiring consent from the minor. A
Federation leader shall report any inappropriate interactions between adults
and minors to the minor's parents and law enforcement when appropriate.


VII. Alcohol and Drug Policy

Although alcoholic beverages are served at some Federation social functions,
members and Federation leaders may not participate in any such functions in
a condition that prevents them from participating safely and from conducting
Federation business effectively or that might cause embarrassment to or
damage the reputation of the Federation. The Federation prohibits the
possession, sale, purchase, delivery, dispensing, use, or transfer of
illegal substances on Federation property or at Federation functions. 


VIII. Other General Principles

In addition to the other policies and standards set-forth herein, state
officers, state board members, and chapter and division presidents
(hereafter Federation leaders) shall adhere to the following standards:


*	Federation leaders shall practice accountability and transparency in
all activities and transactions.
*	Federation leaders shall foster a welcoming environment at NFB
meetings, events, and conferences that is a cooperative and productive
atmosphere for all members and nonmembers.
*	Federation leaders shall interact with NFB staff in a professional
manner and follow proper channels of authority and communication. 
*	Federation leaders shall positively promote the NFB through verbal
and written communication.
*	Whenever possible, Federation leaders and members are strongly
encouraged to handle conflicts or complaints involving other members
privately, directly, and respectfully. Nothing in this standard is intended
to limit a Federation leader's or member's right to pursue organizational
change through appropriate methods or to limit anyone's right to file a
complaint for violation of this Code when necessary. 


IX. Violations and Complaint Procedure

Violations of this Code of Conduct, after first being established through
the process set-forth below, are subject to disciplinary action by the
Federation. Such disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to
counselling, verbal and/or written reprimand, probation, suspension or
termination of officer/leadership duties, and/or suspension or expulsion
from the Federation.

*	Any complaint for a violation of this Code of Conduct shall be filed
with the state president. The state president shall appoint a committee of
no more than four persons to investigate the complaint and provide a
recommendation for action or lack thereof. The committee shall be comprised
of persons not directly involved in the matters being raised and who can be
completely unbiased about the individuals and issues addressed in the
complaint. Every effort shall be made to appoint a committee reflecting the
broad diversity of individuals in the Federation. The state president shall
inform the national President in a timely fashion of any complaints filed
and report on the resolution of such complaints. 
*	Complaints shall be treated as confidential in order to protect the
identity and reputation of the person about whom the complaint is filed and
the person filing the complaint.
*	All complaints shall be filed as promptly as possible. Except under
extreme circumstances, no complaint shall be accepted or investigated after
a year from the time of the alleged violation of this Code.
*	Complaints that turn out to be false and used for the purpose of
harassing, intimidating, or retaliating against someone will be subject to
the same kind of disciplinary action enumerated above.
*	Any person dissatisfied with the resolution of a complaint may file
an appeal with the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Board of
Directors, which may, in its discretion, take such action as it deems
necessary. If a person is still dissatisfied, such person may raise the
matter to the national board of directors, which may, in its discretion,
take whatever action it deems necessary. No national or state board member
shall participate in the consideration of an appeal under this Code if such
board member is the subject of the complaint or if such board member cannot
be completely unbiased, impartial, and fair while considering the matter. 


X. Minimum Standard

This Code of Conduct is intended to recite a minimum set of standards
expected of Federation members. It sets forth the spirit that the Federation
expects of all of its participants toward each other and toward those who
work with the Federation at all of its levels. It is intended to be
interpreted broadly to instill a respectful, cooperative, and welcoming
spirit in members and in the activities of the Federation. 


XI. Federation Pledge and Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct

I, (Federation leader), pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the
National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and
security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the
Federation; and to abide by its Constitution. I further acknowledge that I
have read this Code of Conduct and that I will follow its policies,
standards, and principles.



Note: The Board of Directors of the National Federation of the Blind
unanimously adopted this Code of Conduct on January 26, 2018. In adopting
this Code, the Board expressed its clear intent that this Code shall be
reviewed annually or at any other time as necessary. 


Tracy Soforenko

President, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

202 285-4595

Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com <mailto:Tracy.soforenko at gmail.com> 

www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org> 

www.nfbv.org <http://www.nfbv.org> 

National Federation of the Blind. Live the Life You Want

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want.


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