[NFBV-Announce] What's going on?

jackibruce6 at gmail.com jackibruce6 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 23 00:57:25 UTC 2021

Hey NFB Family and Friends,


Our Virginia State Convention is approaching! I  hope everyone is preparing
to attend.  We will have programs for Students, Seniors, and everyone in
between.  Keep an eye on your email for all the goings on and how to join
us.  You may also, go to our website NFBV.org/convention for all the


Kudos Corner.


No news this week.  Keep your NFB Family and Friends updated with all of
your accomplishments by contacting me, contact info. in signature, and we
will all celebrate with you!


Spotlight On.


Ladies Night. August 28th

Starting at 7:00 PM.  Books, books, and more books!  We have many readers in
this group and we haven't updated our book lists in awhile.  Bring the names
of the books you have read, are reading, or have heard about and share with
your girlfriends.


Do you know about: 


*The recent changes in the law related to marijuana? 


*Pregnancy protections? 


*Accommodations in school (what kind do you need, how do you secure them)? 


*How to deal with the police?



Join the Black Empowerment Committee for answers to those questions and many
more at our Town Hall on September 13th, 2021 from 7:00pm -8:30pm.


Many of our Chapters are meeting in person, please check the Chapter
Meetings section to join in a   meeting.  All meetings are open to the
public.    Chapters and Divisions are using the Affiliate Zoom link, if a
meeting is using an alternate platform, the phone number or instructions to
join will follow the meeting name or be in the Spotlight On section. 


Here's how to join:

Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j/8297256345?pwd=SFAyamlQNU44ZTJ6dUZNMTV4RmhCQT09

One tap mobile
 <tel:%20+13017158592,,8297256345> tel: +13017158592,,8297256345# 
Telephone Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345# 


If needed the password is 20201940


Chapter and Division Meetings


Seniors Division, Wednesday August 25th , 7:00 pm 


Richmond Thursday, August 26th 6:30 PM.


Greater Alexandria Thursday August 26th  7  pm


Chesapeake Bay Saturday August 28th 11 am. Gus and George's Spaghetti and
Steak House, 4312 Virginia Beach Blvd., Va. Beach, zip  23456. Conf. call
phone num. 605 468 8758  and the access code is 197498.


No matter what happens in life, be good to people.  Being good to people is
a  wonderful legacy to leave behind. -Taylor Swift 



Jacki Bruce

Corresponding Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
 <mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com> mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com
 <tel:(757)291-1789> tel:(757)291-1789
 <http://www.nfb.org/> www.nfb.org
 <http://www.nfbv.org/> www.nfbv.org

Follow us on Twitter @NFBVirginia
Find us on Facebook @NationalFederationoftheBlindofVirginia

Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want


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