[NFBV-Announce] VRCBVI's Annual Family and Friends Day Information

Melody Roane melody.roane at dbvi.virginia.gov
Wed Oct 6 11:33:54 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,

VRCBVI is pleased to announce its 2021 Family and Friends Day event which
will be held in person this year on Saturday, October 23 from 9:00 A.M. to
2:00 P.M.  Please see below for more details and information on how to

In the past, Family and Friends Day has attracted over 100 attendees.
However, this year, because of Covid restrictions, we are limiting
participation to 60.

Please share this information with individuals who are blind or vision
impaired who would benefit from participation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Have a great day.


[image: VRCBVI logo (small).png]
*VRCBVI's Family and Friend's Day, 2021 *

*What if This Actually Works?*
*Saturday, October 23*

*9:00am to 2:00pm *

Have you ever wondered how you're going to do things in life as a person
who is blind or vision impaired? Like cooking dinner for your family? Or
using a computer? Or getting groceries? Or reading a book? Or getting a job?

Have you heard that there are techniques to complete tasks like these, but
you just aren't sure that they'll work for you?

What would your life be like if you had alternative skills that ACTUALLY

Come join us at VRCBVI's Family and Friends Day where you can learn tips
and tricks about how to complete these tasks and more. Meet other blind
people who use these skills successfully each day and learn how you can
develop those skills too.

Use this link for all the details and to register!

VRCBVI's Family and Friend's Day, 2021

Can't wait to see you!!


Greg Chittum

Coordinator for Community Engagement

Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired

401 Azalea Ave.

Richmond, VA 23227



Commonwealth of Virginia
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
Established 1922
“Celebrating our past and empowering our future”

www.vdbvi.org  <http://www.vdbvi.org/>

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Commonwealth of Virginia
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired 
Established 1922
 “Celebrating our past and empowering our 
future”www.vdbvi.org  <http://www.vdbvi.org/>

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