[NFBV-Announce] ATTENTION: Important Information

jackibruce6 at gmail.com jackibruce6 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 21:02:17 UTC 2021



Dear NFB Family and Friends,


Please read below from Bri, RISE Coordinator.  Please join us on Sunday.


                On Sunday September 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM NFBV is
partnering with the Consent Academy to present a training session on
boundaries and consent.  This program will discuss ways in which we can
build safe, stronger, and more connected communities by building an
organizational culture of consent.  We will emphasize youth as a part of
this training and it will cover our evolving understanding of consent and
how you can help with promoting a safer community by understanding
techniques for bystander intervention, as well as other crucial topics.  We
are requiring this training for all affiliate staff on Project RISE, BELL
Academy, and Silver Bells.  However, we are opening up this training
opportunity to all affiliate members with a strong recommendation that
chapter presidents, leadership institute participants, board officers and
board members attend.  This session will not be recorded so you will need to
be present on zoom to benefit from this valuable content.  We are thrilled
to partner with the Consent Academy, and hope you can participate in this
excellent training opportunity.  The session will take place on the
affiliate zoom and the connection info can be found below.


Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j/8297256345?pwd=SFAyamlQNU44ZTJ6dUZNMTV4RmhCQT09

One tap mobile

tel: +13017158592,,8297256345# 

Telephone Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345# 


If needed the password is 20201940


Jacki Bruce

Corresponding Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
 <mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com> mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com
 <tel:(757)291-1789> tel:(757)291-1789
 <http://www.nfb.org/> www.nfb.org
 <http://www.nfbv.org/> www.nfbv.org

Follow us on Twitter @NFBVirginia
Find us on Facebook @NationalFederationoftheBlindofVirginia

Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want


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