[NFBV-Announce] Join us and zoom

jackibruce6 at gmail.com jackibruce6 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 02:56:47 UTC 2022

Hey NFB  Family and Friends,


Please read below and join us for one of the exciting meetings this week.


Spotlight On.


Braille Buddies is bouncing back to Tuesdays thanks to the generosity of
Chancey Fleet and the New York Public Library for use of their Zoom channel.


We will meet at the same old 7 PM Eastern (6 PM Central 5 PM Mountain, 4 PM
Pacific and 2 PM Hawaii) time every Tuesday night starting February 15.


Meet new friends from around the globe, bring a buddy along who wants to
learn more about braille, bring a buddy along that wants to share some tips
on what helped them early in their braille literacy journey, and, most of
all, come along to have a fun evening.


This meeting is open to anyone from anywhere that has even the slightest
interest in or curiosity about braille.




Meeting ID: 818 2497 2219

Passcode: AH4020


One tap mobile

+19292056099,,81824972219# US (New York)



The Potomac  Chapter will be meeting on February 17th this month. You may
join them in person at St. George's Church 

or on the below zoom link.The meeting will start at it's usual time, 7  PM. 

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/6025022255

Meeting ID: 6025022255

(no password)

One-tap: 646-558-8656,,60250222



Greetings, all, 

I hope everyone is doing well.  The next meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of
the NFB  of Virginia is scheduled for Saturday, February 19, 2022, both in
person and via zoom.  For those meeting in person, please plan to come for
lunch at 1 PM at bangkok Gardens, 417 West 21st Street, Norfolk, VA 23517.
The meeting will start at 2 PM and end no later than 3:30 PM.  Our speaker
for the meeting will be Mr. John Halverson who will be speaking about
Newsline, our resource for reading newspapers and other publications.  You
will have the chance to learn about how to sign up and use this valuable
service.  The zoom information appears below.  If you plan to attend in
person, please let me know either by email or phone by Thursday, February
17, 2022 at 8 PM.  My contact information is below.  Remember, members from
other chapters are always welcome at our meetings.  I look forward to seeing
all of you there!


Warm Regards, 

Stewart Prost, President, Tidewater Chapter, NFB of Virginia

Phone: 757-572-6891

Email: sprost82 at gmail.com <mailto:sprost82 at gmail.com> 


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 366 168 5508
Passcode: 21211955
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,3661685508#,,,,*21211955# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)



Hello my fellow Federationists!


I am so excited to tell you about two awesome events the Greater Alexandria
Chapter has going on in this beautiful month of February!  Hang with me here
'cause you'll want to get it all!


First, let me tell you about the PUPPY LOVE FUNDS!

Bottom line, we need funds!  So...we want to offer some PUPPY LOVE!  

What is she talking about, you ask?


For $15.00, you can purchase a one of a kind Valentine's Day Big Milk
Chocolate Puppy Lollipop!  But it is not just any old run of the mill puppy
lollipop! No!  This is the cutest darn baby bulldog you have ever seen, with
eyes wide and happy and a red puppy tongue licking its chops!  Baby Bulldog
is sporting a big red heart on his full belly that reads, "TOP DAWG"!  You
can order this little guy for your Honey, your favorite kid, your mom, and
you can get an extra one just for you!




To make someone (or someonesss) very happy, while offering your support to
the awesome Greater Alexandria Chapter, please send your $15.00 payment (or
more, for more lollipops!) via PayPal to:  NFBVGAC1 at GMAIL.COM
<mailto:NFBVGAC1 at GMAIL.COM>   You must have a PayPal account to pay via
PayPal.  In the notes section, please type PUPPY LOVE FUND and be sure to
include the address of the person you want to receive your Lolli[op gift.


If you want to purchase a lollipop or two or three, and do not have a PayPal
account, please contact me at reneerome at yahoo.com
<mailto:reneerome at yahoo.com>  or 703-966-0836, and we can discuss other




On Thursday, February 24th, promptly at 7:00 p.m., the Greater Alexandria
Chapter will be hosting another knock-out of an event on Zoom!  Come and
join the gang for a special evening we are dubbing "CELEBRATING CULTURAL


That's right! We have a couple of very special guests to help us celebrate
some important ICONS, past and present, and maybe INFLUENCE us to do some
moving and shaking of our own!


Then...we will honor the heart of February and love and culture with some
powerful and inspiring and entertaining stories and poems and more, shared
by some of our very own Federationists!


We ask you to honor our love theme by dressing up a little in black and
white with a splash of red!  (Or some wonderful outfit of your own style!)


Please arrive a few minutes early so we can get started with all the
festivities at 7:00 p.m. sharp.  And it would be so wonderful if you kept
your camera on so we can all see each other!


Here is the Zoom link for this love-filled evening:



If needed, the password is: 20201940


One tap mobile

tel: +13017158592,,8297256345#

Telephone Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345#


Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information, k.


I really hope to see you all there!


Renee F. Valdez, M.A.

Secretary/Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind, 

Greater Alexandria Chapter

Co-Chair, National Federation of the Bilind of Virginia, 

Fundraising Committee

Vice President, Northern VA Regional Local Human Rights Committee


(703) 966-083

When something is important enough, you do it. Even if the odds are not in
your favor. -

Elon Musk 




Jacki Bruce

Corresponding Secretary, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
 <mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com> mailto:jackibruce6 at gmail.com
 <tel:(757)291-1789> tel:(757)291-1789
 <http://www.nfb.org/> www.nfb.org
 <http://www.nfbv.org/> www.nfbv.org

Follow us on Twitter @NFBVirginia
Find us on Facebook @NationalFederationoftheBlindofVirginia

Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work
together to help blind people live the lives they want


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