[NFBV-Announce] Convention Gossip You Know You Want to Hear

Joe Orozco jsorozco at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 05:51:39 UTC 2022



So, here's the thing: That discounted convention registration rate we've
been peddling? It closes this Monday night at midnight.


If you want to pay $30 instead of $60 or more, you have to get your
registration in by this Monday, and really, why would you procrastinate?
We're talking thirty bucks for the price of four meals, one light reception,
and one light hospitality per person. Even restaurant week is shaking in its
boots at the deal we're throwing down. Inflation already threw up its hands
and squeaked uncle. It also enters you into a drawing for $100. I mean, talk
about sticking it to the man, right?


Here's the other thing. The $89 room rate at the hotel? We're not going to
see rates that low, not in this area, certainly not before 2024, quite
possibly never again. And the deadline to get your room booked at convention
rates also happens to be on Monday. If you happen to get a hotel
representative on the line who is about as helpful as teats on a bull, let
them know the group code is: NF2166, and the name of the block is NFBV 2022


Yeah yeah, you say. I'm not so sure I want to attend. Alright, let me give
you five compelling reasons why you needed to register yesterday.


5. Variety. I can confidently say this year's agenda features the greatest
range of programming we've seen in recent years. There's something for
everyone, and thank goodness not all of it involves sitting still for hours
on end.


4. Equality. Democrats think this year's low rates are inclusive.
Republicans think this year's rates are logical. We just think it's a dang
good dating match between professional growth and your wallet.


3. Networking. Because speaking of professional growth, let's be honest.
When it comes to conferences like these, you can learn, you can have fun,
but you can rarely learn and have fun at the same time. The people coming to
convention decided enough was enough, decided safety and celebration do not
have to be mutually exclusive, and decided you were worth coming out in
person to spend the weekend in fellowship. Hearty spirits like those are
likely the people you're going to want in your corner long after the
convention has adjourned.


2. Hospitality. Yes, we've done hospitality before, and every year it's been
cozy. This year however? Well, we're moving the needle from friendly to
fervent, from homey to heart-pounding, and from casual to caliente. Gather
up the affiliate's Latinos, stick them in a room for a planning session, and
you get an event that is less reception and more a party even your
grandparents will want to skip bedtime for. Imagine President Soforenko on
the dance floor, and really, need we say more?


So, really, it's time to jump off the fence, shatter your routine, clear off
your social calendar, and decide now to be a part of the gathering October
28th through the 30th. Yes, we will stream certain parts of the agenda.
We're doing our best to bring this wonderful event to the homes of our loved
ones who cannot be with us for various reasons, but you can't feel the magic
in all its potency if you're not there, with us, where you belong. The place
to get all the details, and register, for meals and hotel rooms, is right




What? You didn't think I'd forgotten #1, did you?


1. If you want the gossip, you're going to have to get it from me in person!
At the convention! And it's the sort of gossip that will make you giggle
like a school girl!


Your faithful servant,


Joe Orozco, Convention Operations


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