[NFBV-Announce] From the Top: Call for Presentations at State Convention!

Joe Orozco jsorozco at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 18:56:52 UTC 2024

Good leaders give you the answers, pave the path forward, provide ample
opportunities for you to win that trophy.

Excellent leaders test you to see if you’re paying attention! Exhibit A:
Last night’s email where I asked you to fill out a form if you wanted to
pitch an idea for convention. Do you know how many people caught the fact I
pasted an email address instead of a URL? Exactly two! Sarah and Renee are
destined for greatness.

Well, haha, I am no excellent leader. I am just a moron who pasted the
wrong thing. So, from the top:

Take 2:

If you’re interested in pitching your best ideas for state convention,
please click on the link below to share your thoughts. Convention won’t be
dull if you play a role in shaping it!


Can’t wait to read all your suggestions!



Joe Orozco: Your Message, My Mission
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