[Nfbv-fairfax] FAIRFAX NFB Chapter Meeting- Thursday September 19, 2013 - NEW LOCATION

Wanda Taylor wptaylor13 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 00:18:27 UTC 2013

If you no longer wish to receive e-mails from the Fairfax Chapter of
the NFB please reply and let me know and I will remove you from the list.
wptaylor13 at gmail.com

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure." Paulo Coelho 

Hello All!

The Fairfax Chapter meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 7PM and ends at 9PM.  The meeting will  be held at,Glory Days Grill, 3059 Nutley Street, Fairfax, Va 22031.  The telephone number is 703-204-0900.  
This will be another exciting and informative meeting  We have a lot of things to cover and plan for.  October,  we have 'Meet the Blind Month' and the Virginia State Convention followed by ourChapter's  elections, which will be held in November.  For those who attended last month's meeting, your Chapter identification cards will be ready to be picked up.  These are just a few things that are on the agenda.  Your ideas are important for the continual growth and development of the Fairfax Chapter.  Yoou are important.  So come out and take an active part in the positive  development and planning of projects and  activities.  

National Presidential Report
Upcoming Activities:
issuance ofChapter identification cards;Leadership Seminar;  Meet the Blind Month- activities andNational competition;  
Virginia State Convention;
New Business: Chapter Constitution; Elections;Holiday Party/Fellowship;  Washington Seminar;  New Chapter initiatives, Future Events/Activities; 
Old Business: fund raiser projects; training/technology seminars;
I will send out in a separate email message the Chapter  constitution again so that we may refresh our minds regarding any concerns, questions and possible amendments.

Attached for yur convenience is a copy of the menu.  A majority of the items are under $15.  There are some that are  higher.  Glory Days does  prepare gluten free foods and will try and accommodate most dietary concerns. Just ask your server.    Although burgers were omitted from the attached  menu, please ask your server for the types of burgers they serve.

Looking forward to seeing you!

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