[Nfbv-fairfax] July17, 2014 meeting notes

Wanda Taylor wptaylor13 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 16:30:06 UTC 2014

Notes from the July meeting of the Fairfax chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

Meeting was held at the Glory Days Restaurant

Cathy Schroeder ran the meeting in Wanda Taylor's absence.

There were 8 in attendance.

Cathy called the meeting to order at about 7:00 pm.

Cathy played the Presidential Release from the National Office.

Fred Schroeder talked about National Convention.

John Bailey gave a speech from his Toastmasters Club. He also answered questions about the Toastmasters from the group.

Ashley Brammlett brought an insert that can be used with Perkins Braillers to emboss Dymo-tape labels.


Reminded the members that the Summer Picnic would be at her home the evening of August 23 from 7 PM till 9 pm  The first letter of last nameare to bring the following:

A thru l to bring desserts.

M thru z to bringsides More information to be provided...

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pM.

Minutes submitted by:

John Bailey

Secretary, Fairfax Chapter of the NFB

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