[Nfbv-fairfax] How to enjoy Valentine's Day without breaking the bank

Cathy Schroeder cathy at sks.com
Thu Feb 11 01:06:27 UTC 2016


Debbie Dennis spoke at one of our chapter meetings earlier this fall. She showed us how we can better enjoy the holidays by taking the stress out of them.


Valentines Day can unfortunately also become stressful. Debbie’s Valentine’s gift to us is ideas on how we can enjoy Valentines Day without breaking the bank. Her article is below.


Valentine’s Day Ideas that will Create Lasting Memories and Not Break the Bank. 

By Debbie Dennis


I think Valentines Day is over rated and trust me, I’m a romantic. We just spend so much money on 

roses, chocolates, dinners and even cards. Why not scale it down this year and get creative. 


1. “10 Reasons I Love You” DIY Card 

2. Lip Balm: Softens lips. 

3. Peppermint Beadlets: Freshens breath. 

4. AromaTouch Essential Oil with Fractionated Coconut Oil: Relax with an aromatic massage. 

5. Healing Hands Lotion with Bulgarian Rose: Make the scent of roses last this Valentine’s Day 

and beyond. 

6. Chocolate Dip Pretzels with Essential Oils: Sweetens anyone’s day. Add 1-2 drops of essential 

oil to your favorite melted chocolate recipe. Try using Peppermint, Wild Orange, or Cinnamon Bark 

essential oils. 


I also love the idea of cooking together with your loved ones be it a romantic interest or good 

friends. Lighting a fire or some candles and connecting is so important for the soul. Put on some 

music and Dance!! 


Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day. And don’t forget to love yourself today too!! 


Big Hugs, 

Debra Dennis, MS 

debra at indigolifestylesolutions.com <mailto:debra at indigolifestylesolutions.com>  


www.mydoterra.com/debradennis <http://www.mydoterra.com/debradennis>  




Remember, The next Fairfax Chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, February 18!


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