[Nfbv-fairfax] need feedback on future exciting activities

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Wed May 4 13:11:17 UTC 2016

Hello fellow chapter members,
A week or so ago, member Carolena Garrison organized our activities committee to brainstorm ideas for future chapter activities. To say the least, they had some really great ideas and now it is your turn to let the chapter know which activities you would like to participate in. Or, if you have any additional ideas.

So, please pick the top 2 or three activities you would like to do by the end of the year and send them to me to be compiled. Email them to me at john_bailey17 at hotmail.com I will bring the results to the next chapter meeting for your feedback. Send me your choices right away so they can be included.

build things cabinet, out of wood something simple, shelves, 
Get involved with sports teams like Capitols hocky
hiking and camping (I already found a cabin for rent)
adventure hiking team building
Visit museums like spy museum air and space 
cooking things as a group  ( found a professional kitchen we can use)
cooking class grilling 
national portrait gallery guided tour
comedy show 
motorcycle ride around city (did this before and it was awesome)
sport/ deep sea fishing
Dancing and going to clubs ( Don’t forget our June 16 salsa lesson) 
horseback riding
zip lining

President, Fairfax Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
john_bailey17 at hotmail.com

Chapter meeting location and dates

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Phone: (641) 715-3286
PIN: 2 2 3 9 7 0#

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