[Nfbv-fairfax] Help the Fairfax Chapter for Community Day

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Wed May 25 12:52:31 UTC 2016

The Fairfax Chapter of the NFB has been asked to participate in the
Providence Community Center Resource Day.  This will involve staffing a
table that we will be sharing with puppies and their raisers from the Guide
Dog & VetDog Foundations.  We will be talking to visitors to our table about
the NFB and answering any questions they might have about blindness.  We
will have braille alphabet cards to handout and will be brailling up
people's names on index cards.  In order to make this event a success we
need members to volunteer for a 1 hour shift.  There will be 2-3 people per
shift with at least 1 person knowledgeable in writing braille.  If you are
interested in volunteering, review the event details below and contact
Annette Carr via e-mail at amcarr1 at verizon.net or phone at 703-915-2837.
Please provide your name, your contact information, whether or not you know
braille, and which shift you prefer.  Plan to be at the Community Center 15
minutes prior to the start of your shift to ensure that you are at our table
in time to relieve the volunteers from the previous shift.  


Event Date:  Saturday, June 18, 2016

Volunteer Shift 1:  11:00-12:00

Volunteer Shift 2:  12:00-1:00

Volunteer Shift 3:  1:00-2:00

Volunteer Shift 4:  2:00-3:00

Location:  Providence Community Center

Address:  3001 Vaden Dr, Fairfax, VA (Near the Vienna Metrorail Station,
although not an easy walk between the 2 points.)



Thank you,



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