[Nfbv-fairfax] NFB Fairfax Chapter Technology Day 2016 Topic Selection Input Needed

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Sat May 28 23:23:55 UTC 2016

>From Annette Karr.

Hello All,


As we move forward with the planning for a Technology Day on Saturday, September 24,2016,  we need to select the 2 1.5-hour presentations to take
place at that event.  The general details for the day are:


Date:  September 24, 2016 

Location: Providence Community Center, Vienna, VA

Session 1:  10:00am - 11:30am

Session 2:  12:00pm - 1:30pm

Pre-registration and other event details are being worked out.


In order to make the content of this day as meaningful to the greatest
number of people as possible, we would like your input in selecting the
session topics.  Please review the 5 topics described below and e-mail your
1 top choice to Annette carr at:


Amcarr1 at verizon.net


No later than June 7, 2016.  This will allow Annette and Joy to identify a
knowledgeable and dynamic presenter or panel of presenters for the 2 most
popular topics as determined by you, our chapter members.  Thank you in
advance for your input in making this event a success. 



Session Topics for Consideration


1.    2016 AppleVis Hall of Fame App Nominations

*        This session will provide an overview and demonstration of the 8
apps that have been nominated for the 2016 AppleVis Hall of Fame Awards.
This year's nominations are 1) 1Password - Password Manager and Secure
Wallet, 2) A Blind Legend, 3) Microsoft Outlook - email and calendar, 4)
Overcast: Podcast Player, 5) Seeing Eye GPS, 6) Tweetings for Twitter
(iPhone & iPod touch edition), 7) Twitterrific 5 for Twitter, and 8)
Workflow: Automation Made Simple.  Nominated apps must have met the
following 4 criteria in order to have made it for consideration: 1) Be fully
accessible to blind and low vision users, 2) Be from a developer with a
demonstrated and long-term commitment to full accessibility, 3) Have been
available in the App Store for a significant period of time, and 4) 

*        Demonstrate excellence in design, functionality and operation.  



2.    Newsline, what is it and what can it do for me?

*        This session will provide a description of the wide range of types
of information available from NFB Newsline.  Participants will leave with
information on how to qualify and sign-up, as well as how to access the
available information from a telephone touch pad, a computer or mobile



3.    iPhone from Dusk to dawn

*        This session would consist of a panel of presenters who would
demonstrate an iPhone app that is accessible and been found to be beneficial
in the daily life of a person with a visual impairment.  The specific apps
to be highlighted would be based on selected presenters' knowledge.  We
would ask people interested in demonstrating to submit a proposal to the
planning committee.  If this session was selected, we most likely would not
select the AppleVis Hall of Fame presentation as well.



4.    Healthy living with technology

*        This session will discuss and demonstrate product that help with
maintaining a healthy life style.  A panel of presenters might talk about
such things as devices and apps for medication management (ScriptTalk) blood
pressure and Blood sugar testing and management, Medication information
resources, etc.  Other topics might include Fitness (i.e. Blind Alive, Yoga
Mat for the Blind, apps for tracking steps & workouts), or Weight management
(i.e. calorie trackers and scales that interface with an iPhone.  Specific
topics will be determined by the availability of knowledgeable presenters.



5.    Accessing books

*        Gone are the days when books are only available in hardcover and
paperback, and people with visual impairments have to wait months or years
for a title from a best seller  list to be available in an alternative
format, that was most likely not braille.  Come to this session and learn
how books are easily accessed in large print, digitally recorded speech,
synthesized speech, hardcopy braille and refreshable braille.  With the wide
range of options now available that are free, have a monthly, yearly, or per
item cost, and can be accessed in a way that best meets your needs, you can
be curled up with a good book within no time following this presentation.




John Bailey
President, Fairfax Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
john_bailey17 at hotmail.com

Chapter meeting location and dates

Receive email updates on chapter activities:

Conference call info:
Phone: (641) 715-3286
PIN: 2 2 3 9 7 0#

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