[NFBV-Fairfax] Fairfax Chapter Nominating Committee Volunteers Needed
amcarr1 at verizon.net
amcarr1 at verizon.net
Tue Oct 22 11:37:07 UTC 2019
Hi Everyone,
It is hard to believe that Chapter elections are fast approaching. We will
hold our 2020 elections in January 2020, with the goal of moving our 2021
elections back to October or November of 2020. In order to have a
successful election, we need a Nominating Committee Chair, ideally 2
Nominating Committee members, nominations of members to run for each of our
6 board positions, and the actual election. So, here is what we need to get
1. A volunteer to be the Nominating Committee Chair. This person must
be a current active member, meaning dues are paid for 2019. The Chairperson
will be responsible for collecting names and contact information of Chapter
members interested in running for each of the position. Meet with the
Nominating Committee to prepare the slate of nominees to be presented to the
President, and to the Chapter members during the election. The Chair will
be responsible for and/or share in the responsibility of sending out to the
Chapter membership information about making nominations and the election.
Guidance and support will be available to any person who volunteers to be
the Nominating Committee Chairperson.
2. At least 2 volunteers to be Nominating Committee Members. These
volunteers must have paid their 2019 Chapter dues. Committee members will
support the Nominating Committee Chair in carrying out the duties of the
Nominating Committee. Guidance and support will be available to any person
who volunteers to be on the Nominating Committee.
If you are interested in any of these positions or have questions, please
contact me no later than Saturday, October 26. We need to have this
committee up and running prior to our November Chapter meeting.
Thank you,
Annette Carr
President, NFBV Fairfax Chapter
amcarr1 at verizon.net <mailto:amcarr1 at verizon.net>
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