[NFBV-Fairfax] FW: [NFBV-Announce] Applications Due 1/19: Project RISE is Hiring - Work-Based Coordinator

amcarr1 at verizon.net amcarr1 at verizon.net
Sat Jan 18 02:10:08 UTC 2020

>From Kathryn Webster, Project RISE Coordinator


Last call - applications due Sunday, January 19!


The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia's Project RISE program is
seeking a part-time Work-Based Coordinator for a 6-month commitment. The
role involves securing work experiences, whether part-time, full-time, or
volunteer-based, for our students. While this individual reports to the
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia President, they will receive
day-to-day oversight from the program coordinator. In this role,  you will
build relationships with our participants, their families, local and
statewide businesses, and Project RISE mentors to connect students with
experiences matching their strengths, aptitudes, and interests.


To apply, please send a resume and letter of interest by Sunday, January 19,


Roles and Responsibilities

Approximate time commitment: 10 hours per week from February 1, 2020-July
31, 2020.

*	Build, track, and sustain relationships with local business owners
and hiring managers throughout northern Virginia and across the Commonwealth
to help facilitate job placements.
*	Develop and distribute a flyer to market our program to local
employers, VR counselors, state agencies, schools, etc.
*	Identify and secure job openings, internships, and volunteer
opportunities for at least 12 students using Web-based job boards and other
*	Facilitate a meeting with each student in early spring to set goals
and action steps for the student's job search. 
*	Follow up with students, at least monthly, to share job leads and
monitor progress, ensuring experiences are secured and confirmed.
*	Assist students with filling out targeted job applications.
*	Collaborate with students and employers to arrange reasonable
accommodations on the job, if needed.
*	Complete any other duties as assigned by program coordinator


Program Description

Project RISE, (Resilience, Independence, Self-Advocacy, Employment) is a
transition program, focusing on providing blind and low vision students with
the skills necessary to become competitively employed. Students between the
ages of 14 and 21 participate in monthly meetings during the school year,
participating in workshops designed to make them more competitive in the job
market. Students then engage in some kind of work experience such as a job,
paid or unpaid internship, or volunteer experience during the summer months.


Requirements for Personnel Contractors

All those contracted to provide services are required to go through a
background check, performed by the state of Virginia.

If awarded a contract, individuals will be providing services subject to the
terms outlined in the independent contract provided to you by the program


Next Steps

If interested, send a resume and letter of interest to Kathryn Webster,
Program Coordinator, at rise at nfbv.org <mailto:rise at nfbv.org>  by Sunday,
January 19, 2020. Interviews will be coordinated dependent on qualifications
and availability.


Do reach out with any questions via cell at 203-273-8463; or email
rise at nfbv.org <mailto:rise at nfbv.org> .


Thank you,


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