[NFBV-Fairfax] The Six Valuables You Receive From Attending Fairfax Chapter Meetings

John Bailey john_bailey17 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 31 17:18:24 UTC 2022

The Six Valuables You Receive from Attending Fairfax Chapter Meetings

Each month, the Fairfax Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind has its meetings (virtually and in person) on the third Thursday. Consistently, attendees find valuables from each meeting that will assist them in enriching their lives.

1. Connections
Each meeting brings together attendees from around the region. You will meet and talk with others with similar interests and goals.
2. information
Another valuable from attending Fairfax Chapter meetings is all the information you will have access to. If there is a question, there is someone there who can point the way toward an answer.
3. friends
The NFB Fairfax Chapter is a great place for you to find and make new friends.
4. community
Many people with vision loss feel that they are alone. The Fairfax chapter brings people like you together to share their knowledge and to work together.
5. empowerment
Being part of a local chapter of the National Federation of the blind and therefore a member of the largest consumer organization of the blind in the country means you have influence. Whether it is making covid test strips accessible or ensuring that fully autonomous cars will work for the blind, The Nfb community is adding value.
6. independence
Attending Fairfax Chapter meetings shows you, through informative programs and by meeting inspiring role models, how you can live more independently.

Attending a Fairfax Chapter meeting to get your valuables is easy. Contact chapter President Annette Carr at the email address below right away to become part of this valuable organization.

Annette's email address is:
amcarr1 at verizon.net<mailto:amcarr1 at verizon.net>

Contact her today!

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