[NFBV-Fairfax] The White Elephant In the Room: Fairfax New Year's Bonanza Info: Part 1 of 2

Christine Grassman cfgrassman at icloud.com
Thu Jan 18 17:48:28 UTC 2024

	Well everyone, we’ve got a nice crowd on our list of guests, and I hope you all ignore the cold on Saturday and join us for some fellowship and fun.
Now, for those who do not know, here is some information about the White Elephant Gift Exchange.
Any guest who wishes to participate should bring a wrapped (gift bag, wrapping paper, sealed box or envelope, etc.) to put into the White Elephant gift pile. Gifts should be for any gender and should be of $10 or lesser value. 
If you are bringing a partner, you can put in one gift and share one, or you can bring two gifts and each of you will receive one. 
Each guest who has contributed a gift will receive a card with a Braille and large print number. If you have difficulty accessing your number, we’ll be happy to assist you.
If you do not wish to participate in the White Elephant Gift Exchange, you may still leave with a gift . . . every guest will receive a BRaille and large print card with a word related to the New Year, winter, or January. We will have cards with the same words in a pile, and will draw one of the words for our raffle gift. Everyone is eligible. 
White Elephant:
Let’s say we have ten participants. Each of these people will receive a number, 1 through 10. 
The first person gets to check out the pile of gifts: no unsealing or opening, but you can touch, gently shake, etc., to try to figure out its contents, and whether it is something you would like to have. 
You make a choice, open the gift, and we will announce what it is. 
The person with number 2 can then “steal” your gift if they want it, or choose a gift from the pile. If they choose a gift, they open it and reveal what it is. 
 Each subsequent person, 3 through 10 (or however many we have participating) will have a choice: take one of the gifts from anyone who came before them, or choose a gift from the pile. If number 2 takes number 1’s gift instead of choosing, number 3 could come up and take that gift also, or choose an unwrapped gift from the pile. (You cannot decide to steal after your gift is opened.)
Any gift can only be stolen up to three times. 
After everyone has gone, Number 1 has an opportunity to gain back some leverage: they can steal any gift and give what they have to the person from whom they stole, or keep what they have. 
Please see Part 2 for further information and logistics.


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