[Nfbv-historic-fredericksburg] FW: Fredericksburg Chapter Meeting Notes

Holly Frisch Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org
Sat Aug 20 22:55:48 UTC 2016

Because Traci, our secretary, could not attend this morning’s meeting, Our vice president, Kimberly Walco, very kindly took what she calls meeting notes for us.  We, as a chapter, appreciate her willingness to help out.

From: kimberlyvalko1995 at gmail.com [mailto:kimberlyvalko1995 at gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 2:57 PM
To: Holly Frisch <Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org>
Subject: Re: Fredericksburg Chapter Meeting Notes

NFB Meeting 8/20/012

The meeting started at 9:27

1. We had a guess speaker, Christina Ferguson a community officer. Today she talked about person safety with us.

2. Members attended
• Holly Frish
• Kimberly Valko
• Katlynn Jordan
• Mark
• Leon Anderson
• Maria Anderson
• Barney
• Robert Harper
• Christian Harper
• Michael Harper
• Patty
• Will
• Jody Silverburg

3. Holly mention that Tracy was place in the hospital.

4. Our meeting will be in a different room called Meeting Room 1 for September and maybe for November.

5. Leon talked about our state raffle for 25,000 dollars. Each ticket will be for $10 or $20 for three tickets. The tickets need to be sold by State convention.

6. Slurs of the falling will not be tolerable:





•Or any propionates in any way

7. Will speaks his experience about the EQ: it with the stem base program for Science and Math. He talks about how he worked with other blind people on learning engineer a boat.

8. Holly mention that there is founds for State Convention.  She wants the request to be in writing. People will have to state how much people need and what they have done for the chapter this past year.

9. Holly plays the National Federation of the blind President Release

Thank you
Kimberly Valko
President of student division of the National Federation of the Blind and Vice President of the Fredericksburg chapter of the National Federation of the Blind.

On Aug 20, 2016, at 12:08 PM, Holly Frisch <Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org<mailto:Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org>> wrote:
Please paste this into the body of an email so I can get and read it.  Thank you for taking the minutes.

From: kimberly valko [mailto:kimberlyvalko1995 at gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Holly Frisch <Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org<mailto:Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org>>
Subject: Fredericksburg Chapter Meeting Notes

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