[Nfbv-historic-fredericksburg] FW: February minutes

Holly Frisch Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org
Tue Feb 23 22:49:06 UTC 2016

Please update your records with my new email:
holly at volunteersfortheblind.org<mailto:holly at volunteersfortheblind.org>

From: Traci Jones [mailto:moonryn at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:29 AM
To: Holly Frisch
Subject: February minutes


Meeting called to order February 20, 2016
10 members present 2 visitors
Minutes from JANUARY meeting read  accepted
Treasurer’s report  read and accepted
We need really good fundraising efforts
      -everyone needs to be involved
       -April 16, 2016 Walk With the Blind
-lots of work to do to make this a
 ask for gift cards, 6-12 people needed
   ask for donations
 Leon, Traci, Holly and Chris will call members to help mobilize teams
There will be a raffle for the gift cards received
 To qualify for raffle, you have to have contributed to the walk in some way, some form of help
 We are looking for support and to gain awareness
 No financial help for rest of the year if member doesn’t participate in some way
 How can we count on your help?
       Registration forms to be collected at walk – you just need your name and your total of collections of donations listed
 There will be a motivational incentive award for member with most donations
       Asking for gift cards April 1,2, and 5
We have a constitution that we have pledged to uphold.
At General Assembly 2 members publically went against NFB, motion to expel these members for going against NFB
1 member voted on to be expelled
Motion carried and expelled member will be notified
The next board meeting will be held during the leadership seminar in Baltimore, MD May 6-8
Presidential release listened to
Leon has raffle tickets for next year’s state convention
       $10 a ticket
 If you know of a nonprofit that would like to partner with the raffle, tickets will still be $10 but nonprofit can get $5 of the proceeds
Next meeting March 19, 2016
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