[Nfbv-historic-fredericksburg] Meeting Dates

Holly Frisch Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org
Wed May 24 02:55:09 UTC 2017

Until December, all this year's remaining chapter meetings will continue to be on Saturdays at 10:00 in the Central Rappahannock Regional Library.  I regret we could not get them all on the same Saturday of the month.  We have June 17, July 22, August 19,September 16 and October 28.  Apparently, October is always a problem because of the library's fall book sale.

I did not attempt to schedule November yet because every single weekend that month has concerns.  The first Saturday is out of the question because our state convention occurs that weekend.  We can consider November 11, but that is Veterans Day, part of a long holiday weekend for some people.  The next two Saturdays are the ones before and after Thanksgiving.  I require some guidance.  What does the chapter want to do?  I want to take care of this by the end of the week while we still have some choices.  Please email or call me with your preferences.

Last weekend, we had an extremely small chapter picnic.  Despite sparse attendance, I am profoundly appreciative of everyone's efforts and contributions.  Jody baked absolutely delicious dinner rolls.  Hank was our grill master.  Kaitlynn, Bernie, Will and Mark made certain no one went hungry.
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