[Nfbv-historic-fredericksburg] Walk Recap and Member Information Request

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Tue Apr 16 01:53:46 UTC 2019

We had anice crowd Saturday for walk with the Blind. I believe I heard the count was53. The day started off with a rainy morning but the skies cleared and the suncame out for our walk. We had a few words from the vice mayor of Fredericksburgbefore drawing door prizes and beginning to walk.

     There may be a few donations that have notbeen turned in yet but right now we are over $3500.00 and still have about $1000.00more that I know about.

          Several people really worked hardasking for donations. Roy Murphy got the merchant donations plus $300. ChrisEhrmann had $335.00. Dick Byrne $1100. Plus.

MichaelKasey about $975. Hannah Wages  $1824.These folks worked hard and asked for donations. Great job.


     One more important area that we need yourhelp to fix. I am a bit overly concerned about keeping complete records. At themoment we do not have an accurate list of active members. We also do not knowwho has paid their 2019 $5.00 dues. The state and national offices often wantdata we do not have. Michael and I will begin calling people on the list wehave to ask if you have paid dues. You could also e-mail me with theinformation. We are sorry to bother you but we need to get our recordsstraight.

     Remember we have a meeting this Saturdaymorning.

Enjoy theday

Dick Byrne

rtbyrne at aol.com



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