[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Fredericksburg CRIER
rtbyrne at aol.com
rtbyrne at aol.com
Tue Nov 12 00:11:02 UTC 2019
Historic Fredericksburg CRIER - November 11th
In this edition ofthe Crier I will first talk a little about the convention and our chapter’sinvolvement in it. Then I want to talk about a drawing for all members who pay their2020 dues by our December meeting. Finally, I want to talk about books andsharing them.
CONVENTION – Last week we all received an e-mail from thestate thanking people who helped with the logistics of the convention.Fredericksburg members on that list include Brittany Ingram, Jessica Reed, andLaurie Wages. These folks were also involved in presentations. I was not at allseminars or presentations since some occurred at the same time. I do know thatJody Silverburg was on a panel about starting and running a business. Jessica Reed was the moderator for a sessionconcerning blind parenting. I made a presentation to the senior group on SeeingAI, BeMyEyes, and Aira. I also included BlindAbilities, and MENUS4ALL.com. If Imissed some one, I am sorry.
The conventionwas well run and informative. A good time.
DUES – It appears that no one ever asked for dues in 2019 inany communication and when I became treasurer I contacted members with the helpof Michael Kasey. It was May and June before all dues were collected. Thisyear, I hope to be done with dues collecting much earlier. Every person whose2020 dues are collected by the December meeting will have their name in araffle for a set of Braille UNO playing cards. Sue won them as a door prize atconvention and is donating them. Sue and her family enjoy playing the game andreconnecting. All ages can play.
BOOK CLUB? When I started School I walked a mile and ahalf to Sacred Heart Elementary. On myway to and from school I passed the Wadsworth Public Library. I was an early reader and stopped at thelibrary often on my trips to and from school. I read many different genres but enjoyed science fiction, fantasy, andhistorical fiction the most. I alwaysread well ahead of my grade level and really enjoyed it.
We all have come to our visual impairment in different ways. I my case, it was detached retinas and glaucoma. The last book I finished was on the nightbefore a surgery for my detached retina. Over the weekend my glaucoma kicked in on that eye and destroyed about84% of the vision in my right eye. Thatwas the last book I ever read. I now domy reading using Audible and Bard. Istill love reading and have varied interests. I thought it might be nice for the Chapter readers to share books thatthey enjoy. Besides my on-line library,I have quite a few CD books. If you areinterested in some books on CDs I would be happy to share the list of books Ihave and let you borrow them.
If there is an interest in sharing book titles and opinionson them, we can make that part of Criers in the future.
Dick Byrne
rtbyrne at aol.com
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