Holly Frisch Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org
Thu Sep 19 23:43:50 UTC 2019

As almost everyone knows, Brittany has made exceptional efforts to have personal conversations with every member about his or her interests, needs and wishes for our chapter.  She has also given everyone with whom she talked the opportunity to voice dissatisfaction in the hope of preventing the same circumstances from recurring.  No one could possibly be more genuine, honest and sensitive!  Despite this major effort, we do not think even 10 members, required to constitute a quorum, will attend Saturday's meeting.  We may not vote, or transact any business, without a quorum.  In other words, we cannot even begin making changes unless you attendd, and actively participate in, monthly meetings.

Saturday, Brittany will conduct the meeting.  She will tell us about the recent state board meeting and the experience of hearing our national president as our luncheon keynote speaker.  She will discuss the elections we really want to hold in October so our brand new leadership team can start the year off at the state convention.  I will appoint a nominating committee.

If we have no quorum, that will not be a kind welcome to our new access services librarian.  We will be unable to transact any important business whatsoever.  Once again, we will accomplish nothing.  Is that what we really want?

We recognize and respect everyone's numerous commitments.  We urgently request just two hours of your time each month to participate in our meeting.  We urge you, as strongly as possible, to find just two hours of time to attend Saturday's meeting.  We can't make the changes you want unless you come and advocate strongly for them.
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