[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] FW: VADB ANNUAL MEETING

Holly Frisch Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org
Sun Sep 22 23:40:12 UTC 2019

From: jmckohs at juno.com <jmckohs at juno.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2019 7:09 PM
To: Holly Frisch <Holly at volunteersfortheblind.org>

HI Holly,
Here's the VADB Annual Meeting announcement.  Please share with the hoh blind/low vision in the Fredericksburg NFB area.   VADB was created for ALL deafblind, not just those who sign.

Dear VADB Members and Friends,
It’s time for the 2019 VADB Annual Meeting!Â
Date: October 5, 2019
Time: 10am – 3pm
Place: DBVI Richmond, Library and Resource Center (395 Azalea Ave., Richmond VA 23227)
We are excited that we will be celebrating VADBs 20th Anniversary at this meeting!  Can you believe its been 20 years since VADB first met in the gymnasium at DBVI-Richmond?  We’ve come a long way since then, and many of you have been there since the beginning!  We are grateful for your support, whether you are a long-time member or only recently joined us!
Before the celebration begins, we will start with a Business Meeting in the morning.  We will talk about the White Cane Awareness Day that takes place every year on October 15 and we will have our own mini awareness activity.  We also will tell you about a new fund that VADB has started to help deafblind folks attend training, conferences and deafblind camps.  We will tell you how to apply for funding and who is eligible to apply.Â
This year is an election year.  All VADB Officers and Representatives are up for election.  Here are the rules to be elected for office:
President and VP: deafblind member of VADB for at least 1 year
Treasurer and Secretary: member (deafblind or not) of VADB for at least 6 months
Regional Representatives: member (deafblind or not) of VADB (no time requirement)
Regional Representatives represent the following areas of Virginia:
1.     Richmond/Central Virginia
2.      Roanoke/Lynchburg/Southwest Virginia
3.      Peninsula/Tidewater/Chesapeake
4.      Staunton/Charlottesville/Shenandoah Valley
5.      Northern Virginia (including Fredericksburg)
6.      Southside – Dansville/Martinsville/South Hill
Please let us know if you are interested in running for office, want to nominate someone else (we will check with the person to see if he/she accepts the nomination) or would like information about the duties of each position.
Both a meeting flier and registration form are attached. Â Please help us spread the word about the meeting.
Please register for the meeting by September 20 to let us know you are coming and what kind of services you may need (e.g., an interpreter, CART, audioloop, an SSP).  Lunch will be provided at no charge (please let us know of any dietary restrictions you may have).  Volunteers are needed to serve as SSPs, lunch helpers, and greeters.  Interpreters are also needed (please contact Elaine Hernandez if you can interpret for this meeting).
Ways to register:
1.     Print, complete and mail the registration form to Beth Hammer at the address provided on the form
2.      Register via our Facebook page (Virginia Association of the DeafBlind) or by going to the following website: https://forms.gle/f8BKCsa4xt5y31EM6Â
3.      Email us at vadbinc at gmail.com<http://webmailb.juno.com/webmail/new/8?folder=VADB-19-Annual-10-5&msgNum=0000wTk0:001TM5fq00001yAm&block=1&msgNature=all&msgStatus=all&count=1569190933&randid=2006085388&content=central>
4.      Call or Text Beth Hammer, our VADB Secretary, at 804-398-0608 (V)
Take care and hope you can celebrate with us at the VADB Annual Meeting on October 5!
Best wishes,
The VADB Board

You’re Invited!
Come Celebrate VADB’s 20th Anniversary at the
VADB 2019 Annual Meeting
When:    Saturday, October 5, 2019, 10am – 3pm
Where: Dept. for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)
Library and Resource Center
395 Azalea Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227
Business Meeting
White Cane Day Awareness
Tributes and Awards
Election of Officers for the Fall 2019-Fall 2021 term
Lunch (complimentary)
VADB Anniversary Celebration
We will reminisce about the early days of VADB and celebrate our accomplishments!

Ways to register, volunteer or get more information:
1.   Email us at vadbinc at gmail.com<mailto:bhammer0001 at gmail.com>
2.   Call or Text Beth Hammer at 804-398-0608 (V)
3.   Visit us on Facebook at Virginia Association of the DeafBlind
4.   Register on-line at: https://forms.gle/f8BKCsa4xt5y31EM6
Please register by September 20, 2019

12506 Trammell Ct. Ashland, VA 23005
www.vadeafblind.org   vadbinc at gmail.com

If you register by email, please tell us:
•          Names of persons coming
•          lf you need any of the following:
­      Interpreter (platform, close-vision, tactile)
­      CART
­      Audioloop/ALD
­      Support Service Provider (SSP)
•          Any special dietary restrictions (e.g., vegetarian, gluten-free)

Volunteers (SSPs, lunch helpers, party helpers, etc.) are needed.

The Virginia Association of the DeafBlind, Inc.
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization seeking to promote educational, economic and social welfare for deafblind Virginians.

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