[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Crier September 25
rtbyrne at aol.com
rtbyrne at aol.com
Wed Sep 25 23:34:28 UTC 2019
Historic Fredericksburg Crier – September 25th
1) Minutes from Sept. 21st Meeting atlibrary. Meeting was called to order byBrittany, Vice President. In attendancewere Holly, Brittany, Jodi, Jessica, Dick, Sue, Isaiah, Laurie and Hanna Wages,and our guest speaker, Babak Zarin.
Dick gave the Treasurer’s reportand indicated the balance in the checking account is $2,305.25. There are two monthly payments in the amountsof $10.00 and $50.00 for State appropriations. A motion was made by Jessica to accept the Treasurer’s report andseconded by Jodi. Brittany returned$30.00 from a previous drawing because it was too late to participate and Hollyreturned $50.00 not needed for transportation to the State Board meeting.
There was no Secretary’sreport: Sue and Dick were out of townduring the July meeting and the August meeting was cancelled so those wishingto attend the State Board Meeting scheduled for August 17th attend.
Holly introduced the guest speaker,Babak Zarin, Access Services Librarian. He can be reached at the library Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00PM. Phone #540-372-1144, Extension 7054.
Bab is a resource for answers to anyquestions regarding accessibility at the library. For example, the talking books program, bookmobile,summer programs, etc. He has somebraille books that are being removed from the library that are available for purchaseat very reasonable prices. Severalpeople requested that more “twin” vision books be made available at thelibrary.
Brittany reiterated that she talkedto many members asking for thoughts on concerns or ideas for the future of theChapter. She also brought up the timingof the election of officers. This causeda discussion about holding the elections at the October meeting, but it was pointedout that the State Department of the Blind is having an activity that day. It seemed unlikely that we could have aquorum that day for an election. It wassuggested that a conference call on Thursday, October 17 could be used for theelection. Many in the group thought thiswas feasible.
There was a suggestion that some ofus could go to the School Board to volunteer to help blind students. Dick pointed out that if you go to the SchoolBoard or schools, you should go as individuals not as NFB members. The reason is that some in education wouldfear a heavy-handed interferance by the NFB.
It was strongly suggested that moresocial events need to happen. Some mightinclude a meeting. The reason is we needto know each other better in order to help further our Chapter goals. It became apparent that many people pointedout the need for more participation to better serve the Chapter and each other.
There will be a nominatingcommittee set up and more to follow on the elections.
2) As of this writing, the State has stronglysuggested that the conference call elections is not a good idea. The Chapter’s Board was polled and a majorityvoted for elections at the November meeting. Sue Byrne, Secretary
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