[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Meeting and Convention Notes

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Sat Sep 26 16:11:45 UTC 2020



Bon Jour –The Fredericksburg Chapter of the NFB met this morning at 10 AM with Brittany Ingrampresiding. There were 9 members and two members of the state affiliate. The purposeof this email is to talk about the election of our chapter’s officers.  

Ournominating committee is Holly Frisch, Chairman and Lori Wages.  Their contact information is at the bottom ofthis email.  Please contact them if youwant to run for an office or suggest candidates.  The election will be at the October meeting.

Theconvention will be held October 26 and is virtual. There will be meetings over thewhole week ending on Sunday.  The scheduleof activities will be out in the near future. 

As part ofthe convention there are door prize drawings. Our chapter will contribute two $25.00 door prizes.  There will also be an auction held during theconvention.  Each chapter is asked tosupply items for the auction.  In thepast these items were actual, solid objects, but this year the items will begift certificates. If you have a connection at a store or restaurant that isnational, regional, or local you might ask them to contribute a gift certificatefor the NFB convention. When the item is auctioned off, the local chapterreceives part of the proceeds and the rest goes to the state offices.  Lori Wages put out an email in the pastcouple of weeks that explained how to send these in.  If you can’t find that email, just contactLori.

Anyone isable to attend the convention, but to participate you must fill out the formthat was sent out and submit it. You must also be current on your dues to beable to vote at the convention or bid on auction items.  If you are not sure if you are up-to-date onyour dues, contact Dick Byrne.  Below isthe contact information for those mentioned in this email. 

Dick Byrne– 804-238-5608 – rtbyrne at aol.com

     270 Henley Fork Drive, Tappahannock, Va22560

Hilly Frisch– 540-899-7747

Lori Wages– (H) 540-898-8233 (C) 540-287-5446
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