[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] CRIER August 24
rtbyrne at aol.com
rtbyrne at aol.com
Tue Aug 24 15:44:16 UTC 2021
CRIERAugust 24th
OHIO, which Ibelieve means “Hello” in Japanese. I might be wrong but that is what a Japaneseexchange student told me many years ago. If I am wrong, let me say hello in my own language.Last Saturday a small group of us met at Old Mill Park inFredericksburg to have a meeting/picnic. Wehad lots of food and some good interactions. I only wish more could have joined us. I believe that Covid and the fear of it keptthe group small. It was a nice day andeveryone seemed to enjoy themselves.
One bright spot of the day was meeting Tanika Bell and hersister. Tanika is visually impaired/blindand we look forward to sharing our knowledge of the NFB and technologies forthe blind with her and, quite possibly, learning more from her.
Next month’s meeting will be on September 18th . More information will come out about the exactmeeting location. Sue and I will not beat the next meeting and will not be able to Zoom it very easily because it willbe at 4 AM where we will be. We aregoing to be in Honolulu, Hawaii and probably will not want to get up at 4 AM toZoom the meeting. I am sure the otherofficers will run the meeting.
One final piece of information concerns a BLIND BARGAINSpodcast that I just listened to. The podcastwas from a group at The Ohio State University. They talked about their work with the software for a 3-D printer thatwould make it accessible to blind and visually impaired people. While 3-D printers are not cheap, their costhas greatly decreased and the cost is manageable. This type of device could be of great use ininstructing a BVI student on all kinds of objects that might not be availablefor the student to handle. It soundedlike a very interesting proposition.
As always, please be safe and if you come across some newtechnology or a great podcast please share it with us. You can email me or call me so that we canget it out to everyone. Sometimesexciting new things happen but are not widely known but you happen to trip overit. Whenever this happens it’s often upto you to share it so that everyone can learn.
Dick Byrne
rtbyrne at aol.com
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