[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Fredericksburg Crier May 26th

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Wed May 26 22:00:05 UTC 2021

Historic FredericksburgCRIER, May 26th

     Bon Jour and welcome to anotherFredericksburg CRIER. Sue and I just got back from what might be called LasVegas South. We went to Gulfport/Biloxi, Mississippi. The one-armed bandits dida good job on our wallets. I forgot my lucky magnifier which helps theapproximately 16 per cent of the vision in my right eye to work on a good day.Without it I have a hard time knowing when I am ahead enough to cash out andput in a smaller bill and continue. One time this method helped me to finishabout 3 grand ahead. Not this time since I could not know where I stood. Ohwell, I am not playing for a living, only for entertainment.


      We returned late last night and stayed atthe Doubletree near the Richmond Airport getting back home this morning. 

     Before we left, I asked Michael Casey tolook for a spot where we could have a picnic meeting this month. I hoped hemight know of a location tied to an organization he belongs to. He remembered apast spot used by the Chapter when they had Paddling with the Blind. That eventwas held at Motts Run Reservoir. They have a picnic area am told. We can holdour meeting and then those who want can canoe. Canoeing is only an option forthose who want. If you do not want to canoe, no problem, just enjoy theproperty and the people.


     If we can, we will try to Zoom themeeting.  Please feel free to bring yourkids if you want. The meeting should not be long and they will probably enjoyit. The Zoom link is below.
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